Try this:
I'm sorry you are feeling ill!!!!
Good luck,
Does anyone know if there is a chart anywhere that says what medications that can be taken while breastfeeding? I need some kind of cold medicine for stuffy nose and a cough.
Try this:
I'm sorry you are feeling ill!!!!
Good luck,
Hmmmm. Good ques. I feel like there's so much conflicting advice out there! I read some interesting things on here-I thought that Tylenol itself was ok, but not the others.
I know of this site I use:
Any Tylenol products are safe! I have been taking them for a week now while still nursing my 6 MO daughter. I also went to the Doctor because I couldn't shake what I have and she put me on Amoxicillin twice a day for 10 days which is safe as well. For nasal congestion, Rhinocort nasal spray is safe as well, but you have to have a RX for it.
I check on BabyCenter.com all of the time and search for safe meds while nursing. They have an excellent list.
Get to feeling better. I hate this time of the year. You also, if you haven't already, may want to get the flu shot since your baby is not old enough and it will protect you and her if you are nursing. I did it with both my kids!
I know you can take Robitussin cold medicine and you can also take Sudafed. This is what I took when I wasn't feeling to well while I breastfeed my daughter. I use to have a whole list that I got from my doctor but my husband threw it away and that is all I can remember.
Hi G.,
Just like when pregnant, you can use any Tylenol product. They make a Tylenol Sinus and Tylenol Cold medicine. Also, Common medications that are safe to use while breastfeeding are:
Acetaminophen, asthma medications (cromolyn, inhalant bronchodilators), Kaopectate , acyclovir, barium laxatives, anesthetics local (e.g., dental work), chloroquine (antimalarial), muscle relaxants, antacids, cortisone, pinworm medications, antibiotics (tetracycline* and sulfa**), decongestants, propranolol, anticoagulants digitalis propylthiouracil, anticonvulsants, diuretics, silicone from implants, antihistamines, ibuprofen, thyroid medications, aspartame, insulin, vaccines, vitamins
* Avoid taking tetracycline for longer than ten days
** Avoid in newborn period
Here are Drugs that require careful monitoring by a physician when taken while breastfeeding:
Alcohol, general anesthetics* morphine, Antidepressants, indomethacin ,oral contraceptives, Aspirin, isoniazid, Paxil, Codeine, lithium, phenobarbitol, Demerol, metoclopramide, Prozac, Ergots, metronidazole (Flagyl), Valium, Zoloft
Here is s good website with the info above:
Also, here is a fact sheet on medicine exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Good Luck!
My Dr. said to use Tylenol Cold while I was breastfeeding. It worked pretty well and I know it was safe. I hope you feel better soon!
My dr. let me take any Tylenol products. If you're not sure I would call your OB/GYN. The only reason I say that is because it seems like everyday something is changing in all of those over the counter products. Good Luck!!
This is the web site I use when I am on call and have to answer the same question:
As has been said Tylenol Cold is fine. Avoid any antihistamines. Good old fashioned Saline sprays up the nose work GREAT!
Congrats on the baby!
Check the back of the "What to Expect the First Year" book.