Hi! Congratulations on your new family!
Good eye. You're being an attentive mom. Dairy products (and eggs, too, by the way) tend to cause a lot of congestion. Most of us are just used to it and don't know the difference, especially if we have it all the time. Soy can cause some mucus, too, but to a much lesser extent for most people. If Enfamil Gentleease is milk-based, you might want to try a soy-based formula. The cultures you mention are probably dairy-based. I'm not familiar with these cultures, but if they're for beneficial bacteria, there's a great soy-based acidophilus at Ozark Natural Foods, in the fridge by the bulk teas. You'll want to check with the staff to make sure it's appropriate for a 2-month old, though.
This is actually a stroke of luck for you and your baby. Dairy products - animal products of any kind, probably - can also spark immune system disorders such as juvenile diabetes, esp. when fed to infants, because the proteins are so similar to human protein, but just different enough that they prompt an immune system response. The antibodies we produce when these foreign proteins are introduced to our bodies are shaped to latch on to the proteins to render them ineffective against getting deeper into our bodies to do any damage that our immune systems think they might cause. Here's where the problem comes in: the antibodies we form are also shaped closely enough to proteins that we naturally produce, ourselves, that they can attack and effectively latch on to our own proteins. This is an immune system disorder. It just depends on which system of the body comes under attack. Consuming dairy can cause diabetes because it effects the digestive system.
So, in short, it's better, especially for vulnerable babies and young children, whose immune systems are still sorting things out, to avoid animal products! It's just one of those things, like honey, peanuts and processed sugar.
Good luck, and again, congratulations!