Maternity Clothes - Uniontown,PA

Updated on June 18, 2011
L.P. asks from Uniontown, PA
14 answers

Changing gears from my last question, at what point in your pregnancy did you have to stop wearing your normal clothes? Mostly pants, I guess... I'm 7 weeks, and mine are still ok... but I can't remember at what point in my last pregnancy I needed maternity pants...

I know, everyone and every pregnancy is different. But I'm really bored here, on Friday afternoon, so please humor me. :)

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So What Happened?

Krista - I totally did this to myself, didn't I? See if I EVER joke on this site about being pregnant again! LOL

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answers from Spokane on

With my first I didn't wear maternity until 20 weeks or so, but with my 2nd I was wearing them at about 12/14 weeks!!

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answers from Dallas on

My 1st pregnancy 4 months. But now that there is plenty of room at the Inn, (thanks baby #1) I didn't need to change my pants out until 6 months with the next 2.

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answers from New York on

HAHAHAHAHA... yes, I am completely laughing with you right now... preggers!

All of my girlfriends swore that they started wearing maternity clothing earlier during their subsequent pregnancies- closer to 10 weeks or so.

Congratulations! So excited for you and your family!

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answers from St. Louis on

At around 20 something weeks. About 25 I guess. Around there :)

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answers from San Antonio on

I'm 13 weeks and just bought a pair of cargos from old navy. They are super comfortable. I can still wear my regular clothes but I'm not very comfortable in them. I've been wearing alot of dresses and skirts to get through this awkward stage!

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answers from Chicago on

I have to go shopping tomorrow. I wear suits to work and the last one I wore was stretched the other day. I can still wear my jeans because I was doing Weight Watchers and lost 15 pounds before I figured out I am preg. I will be 19 weeks tomorrow. With my last one, I went shopping around the same time, but of course I was using rubber bands for the buttons of my clothes for work.

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answers from Philadelphia on

WIth that said,it is when your pants start to feel tight right where your stomach is at. By the times I was about 10 weeks along,I had to go into bigger pants. Do not wear pants that are tight or restrictive. Congratulations and good luck.

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answers from Seattle on

With my first...I refused.

With my second and Third....I think after two months I gave up and went on a prego shopping spree with my momma. I was not happy about it, until I was so big nothing fit but maternity PJ's, sweats and over over sized T-shirts!!

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answers from Philadelphia on

I think I lasted until 9 weeks... then a Bella Band helped me wear my pants a little while longer. But- I heard that with your second pregnancy, you may "pop" a little sooner because the bones and ligaments are already stretched out from the first pregnancy...

It sounds like you're doing good so far! I gained 8 pounds at every single check-up for a total of over 80+ pounds! Ha ha... If you can still wear your pants at 7 weeks it sounds like you won't have that problem.
Good luck! :)

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I only have O., but didn't start maternity clothes til about 20-25 weeks, I believe.

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answers from Chicago on

With my first (twins), I switched at 8 weeks. With this pregnancy I had to switch at 4.5 weeks. I seriously thought I was nuts and even posted a question about it, too. But, within a week of finding out I was pregnant I lost all of my regular clothes. I thought, forget it, I'd rather be comfortable than stressed that I had to wear maternity pants already!

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answers from Seattle on

I was around 6 months I think when I had to give up my regular jeans and tops. I went to JcPenney's and found the best maternity jeans. They looked just like regular jeans and were so comfortable.

If your looking for clothes, you should get some at Ross right now (if you have them) I was just there looking for regular clothes, and walked passed the Maternity ones and saw some really cute stuff!

Anyways, dont worry you arent the only one who is bored! Haha. Me too!

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answers from Austin on

With my first pregnancy, hubby and I were still in college, and we didn't really have a bunch of money for maternity clothes.....

One thing I did was loop a rubber band through the buttonhole of my jeans, and then put the other end of the rubber band over the jeans button.... that let me wear the jeans longer! I got pregnant at Thanksgiving, and probably didn't really have to start wearing a lot of maternity clothes until March or April, maybe? I lost weight at first, rather than gaining weight.

That way I didn't have to buy as many items on a limited budget. Hubby graduated in May, and he started a new job in June. Our daughter was born in August.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

My son was my 6th pregnancy, but first to get into 3rd trimester - I started wearing stretch-waistband pretty early, around 6wks. Then I was able to work the rubberband thru the loophole for a while until he dropped around 6mos. (Note: I was sooooo sick and lost 16lbs before gaining 18lbs.) And then I only wore two pairs of maternity pants for a week because he came early. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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