For me this is a close to home subject. My husband and I have been married almost six years now. I have always struggled with wieght all my life and have always been really thin, untill like yourself had two children, less time, get tired....I mean who wants to go run/jog an hour when you still have to make dinner,bath, feed, get ready for next day? or the guilt for taking that time away.
However weather your wieght is 120 or 200lbs...I believe deep down inside that you should be respected as the mother of his children, his wife, partner and lover. Your self respect and worth in your relationship should NOT be measured by the pound.
I noticed that after having children, that my body has changed and further more the idea of it being perfect or close to that as unrealistic. Also as you get older, your metabolic rate slows down ( I just turn 31 last May).
These are all things you should take into consideration. Add in the fact that your life style may have slowed down , as a stay at home parent....ect
Now take inventory, go get the full length mirror take a look and ask yourself,"Am I happy with the way I look? is my wieght healthy for my body?"
If the answer is yes then, maybe talk to yourhusband when the conversation is not heated and if not think if it is worth being disrespected about..
If the answer is no....think of your eating habbits how have they changed, when was the last time you have been on a scale? do you know how much you wiegh? or what is healthie for your body type and hieght? Chose healthy taking kiddos to park or playing scoccer with them. Also try on clothes see what size you are wearing ...set realistic goals.
Got your sneakers on? start walking.
Seriously there are two things I felt that need be addressed here. Wieght and your self respect. You may need to lose wieght or would like to.However, you need a supportive partner as well, for example he could watch the kids while you went walking/running. He could better yet go with healthier foods instead of fast food. The key is support and not lowering your feelings of self worth.
I had felt that way last year and put on the pounds. I gained wieght with second kid, quickly took it off and like a boomerang here it is again. I had went on a strict diet and drank Whey. It works but its only a short term solution for good old fashion sweat and eating smaller portions.
Then once a month after wieghing myself noted the hoepflly wieght lose and treating myself to a sunday. Once in awhile a burger or ice cream is ok, it keeps you from craving those kinds of foods....
Anyways bottom line is he should not talk to you that way if is hurtful and negative. It is only breeding low self worth and furthering making you not prevail.....Have a talk with him and the rest is up to you.
I really hope this helps