Hi B.. I totally understand your frustration. My situation isn't as extreme as yours though - my husband generally is great if I insist that he get off his butt. We had two babies in 13 months (similar scenario, the only time we had sex in 3 months, I was exclusively nursing too) and it was very hard on our marriage. My husband has a lot of guilt, a lot of resentment/grudge-holding of an ex and his mother, and also a lot of attachment/abandonment issues. We all have stuff to deal with, of course. After our 2nd baby was born, my husband completely lost himself. It was horrible. Really really hard for all of us. I was very sick through the whole pregnancy, and then all of us except the newborn got the flu!, etc. It just kept getting worse and he fell apart.
I finally brought up counseling, which he of course resisted (this is very typical). I finally told him to talk to his regular doctor about what was going on, and SHE recommended counseling. 4 months later, I finally told him to make the call and get an appointment, or I would start to really want a divorce. I couldn't even believe I was saying this - I've already been divorced and it's a horrible experience. Plus I love him to pieces. But he made the appointment and turns out he has a major anxiety disorder plus a disease called LAZINESS (not a disease?). He's been in counseling for 4 months now and it's really helping us. We recently read some information about Dads getting PPD, and it being especially bad after a second child. I think partially this is true of my own husband, he just can't find the place in his heart for our second child, the way he loves our first. He will, eventually, but it's been very hard for us.
I guess, I'm writing to say you're not alone. Maybe that's not very helpful of me. One thing we did was make a grown-up chore chart. My husband is in charge of the kitchen/dining room and I am in charge of the laundry (including cloth diapers). We each have a bathroom to clean, and I'm in charge of the kids' bedrooms and he's in charge of ours. Sometimes I have to do some annoying nagging, but since we did this division of labor and he got on board, I'm at least not doing all the housework. You could also insist that if he's not going to help out around the house, he fork over money to hire someone to help!
Remind your husband that YOU will be a better wife and mother if HE will pick up some slack, figure out something romantic from time to time (besides getting you drunk so you can have sex, which is what my own husband thinks is romance), do his share of caring for the kids.
Many moms talk about how great their husbands are because they "help" so much. I think we should change our tune - men should not be helping, they should be doing!! Doing half the childcare, doing half the housework, doing half the loving. Of course there's the small problem that many men THINK they are doing half the work, when really they are doing 1/4 or less. When I first left my husband home alone for 4 days with both kids with no outside help (I had to go on a business trip), I came back to a very grateful and since then, DOING husband. He got a taste of what it's like to do everything. Not only is it not pretty, it's completely consuming.
Good luck to you. It's horrible to feel this way about your husband when you have kids together. If it's not going to work in the long run, don't stay together "for the kids". My parents did this, and it's truly not good for children to be living with two miserable people. Sorry I went on and on.