I don't have a recommendation for you unfortunately but wanted to offer some encouragement. I got married later in life too and therefore became a mother later too. It was a HUGE adjustment. We didn't have a couple of years of marriage under our belt to work through living together issues and most of my friends have said they also think it's a bit harder to start kids late as you've had so many years about "you" that suddenly giving up all your freedoms and comforts is a very hard adjustment. It's likely harder for men even. I also got pregnant again quickly and the fights we had! We also don't have a perfect marriage even without kids so it was really tough. But it gets better... Our girls are now 3.5 and 4.75yrs and it's all just much easier and more fun. I can offer more advice if you'd like but I'm not a counselor so finding a pro is a good idea. Just wanted to say don't give up. These early years are tougher for some than others but it doesn't mean you have to divorce and it won't get better. You both will have to make compromises and also realize you're probably just very tired and that makes it all tougher. Good luck.