I was 38 weeks pregnant with baby #1. We spent the afternoon at Lowe's picking out colors to paint the nursery. That evening we were just wrapping up putting the finishing touches on the nursery. I went to lay down on the couch and watch some TV. My water broke at 1030 PM. Called the doc, who said to head over to the hospital. I still had to pack my hospital bag! Got to the hospital (which was 30 mins away) and up to the L&D unit. Nurses checked me, I was 7 cm dilated. Walked me across the hall to the birthing room, checked me again, I was 10 cm and PUSHING! My daughter was born at 1202 AM...delivered by the nurse! My doc came walking in a short while later with the biggest look of surprise on his face and said "Are you sure this is your first one?!?!" 1 hour 32 minutes.
With baby #2, I tested positive for Group B strep, so I knew I had to go in to the hospital for the anitbiotic prior to delivery. Called my doc the night I *thought* I might be going into labor (didn't want to wait too long, knowing my previous quick history). Got to the hospital, had some irregular contractions, was already starting to dilate, so they kept me and started the antibiotic. 4 hours later the doc came in to check me again and start the 2nd round of anitbiotic. He told me he would break my water to try and get something going. At 515 AM he broke my water. He no sooner walked out of the room, when I sent my husband running after him to tell him that I needed to push. My daughter was born at 524 AM. 9 mins of *hard* labor.
Baby #3 was my stinker. I labored on & off (at home) for 24 hours. My contractions never got closer than closer than 5 mins apart (average was 7-8 mins). So, of course the doc wanted to break my water to get something going. He broke my water at 415 PM, when I was 4/5 cm. My son was born at 501 PM. 46 mins of *hard* labor.