I have not read the other responses....
Public forums are a mixed bag of characters.
However, there are definitely a lot of crazies on this site. Not in the beginning, but over the years they have found us. So, I do not share too much personal information to protect myself and family from unstable personality types.
I will share personal details with the friends I have made here. As a matter of fact I plan on taking them all on a cruise in a few years, but they don't know that yet.
Bottom line....it's important to practice good identity and internet safety. Especially with people who's professions place them in the public eye already.
On a personal note, I have been sued before by a crazy couple, because I was married to my husband, therefore his profession and I represented the community at large. Yes, no kidding. So this couple has a child. They are not your average couple. They were both living in the same adult daycare due to serious mental issues. She gets pregnant, has a baby, they decide to keep the baby and can no longer live at the adult daycare as a consequence. My husband sees the child in clinic, because the child is also not of average IQ and suffers other medical issues. He placed the baby on a specific epilepsy drug for seizures. The child gets a virus, an adult comes by to check in on them and the baby is very sick so the responsible adult takes the baby to an ER where the ER doc prescribes meds based on that issue. Of course, they are not 'with it' enough to inform the ER doc that the baby is on other meds. So there is a severe allergic reaction in the baby, who already has a compromised immune system, and the baby ended up in the hospital with a terrible skin condition which took weeks to heal. And this special needs couple sued us for prescribing the seizure medication....and yes, they found an attorney to take this case. It consumed months of our time and energy and was professionally a tad embarrassing to my husband, because we really aren't innocent until proven guilty in our country. The lawyer was ridiculously aggressive and thick headed and he saw pharmaceutical $$ or at least a big payout by the insurance company to go away. Fortunately, he got neither.