I made all my son's baby food. We got a beaba baby food maker (Williams and Sonoma about $150, but honestly worth every penny). It makes the baby food the perfect consistency and it steams the fruits / vegetables first all in the same machine. We got the beaba baby food trays which are kind of pricey but i've heard a lot of people freezing them in ice cube trays (with lids) or other containers about the same size. The one downfall with the beaba is that it's kind of small, so you can't do a huge batch at once. I used to make a week's worth in an hour every week.
There's not much else to know about making baby food - it's really super easy. We started with sweet potatoes (steamed and pureed), peas, squash and zucchini, carrots (we stayed away from gassy foods at first broccoli and cauliflower). We also did fruit - apples, peaches pears, plums, blueberries (what a mess!). I still use my beaba to finely chop spinach that I can hide in pretty much anything my son eats.
Good luck!