If there is a rash that is not raised (broken capillaries), and random bruising elsewhere take him for a blood test.
I was wondering if this was a normal occurrence? I've honestly never seen this before on another baby. My son is about 7 months old, and hes very mobile. Im sure im just a worrisome first time mother. But his knees are completely black and blue. we're talking about the entire area on both knees, not just some round little circle. I can press on it, and touch it, and it doesnt seem to bother him. Should i still take him to see the doctor? I know they learn to roughen up at this stage, hes had his share of bumps and bruises from falling. But i've really never seen anything like this. It's just really horrible to look at as well.
If there is a rash that is not raised (broken capillaries), and random bruising elsewhere take him for a blood test.
In 24 years of daycare and proably upwards of 50 + crawlers, I've never seen it either. I think you absolutely need to get this checked out. I hope it's just a strange fluke.
If you are worried take him to the doctor, best to get it checked out.
My son had some bruising and it turned out to be an iron deficiency. I had to switch from breastfeeding to formula with iron and vitamin drops for him. I can't say that whats going on with your son is the same thing, but you should still call the ped and at least ask to get it looked at. If it's as bad as you say it is, it needs to be addressed. Call and get an appointment and please post when you find something out! I'm curious to find out what's causing it.
I agree with the other Mama's I would say this warrants at the very least a call to your pediatrician, if for no other reason than to clear your mind of worry!! This sounds unusual to me but I bet the pediatrician has heard of it before and can set your mind at ease.
i bought baby knee pads on ebay..made just for this..i had to cut the elastic a bit on them b/c they were super tight..try googling for them or check and see if Target carries them
That happened with my son too. There are some baby leg warmers they sell called baby legs that I used. I even put them under his pants to give him a little padding. He still got bruises but not as bad, and I was certainly more happy about it. There are other name brands that make them too: Melontree, huggalugs, bamboo leg huggers.
Hope this helps.
I would take him to the doctor for sure.
I thought your question was so interesting, so I just checked it out online. I found that it is not that uncommon, especially if your little one is crawling around on a tile or hardwood floor. I found this link:
It is for baby knee pads! There was a lot more online to check out as well. Your little guy might just be sensitive in the knee area. I think talking to your pedi is great as well but there may be a really simple solution. Take care!
My son had the same thing, but he has a bleeding disorder that is inherited through the mom's genes and shows up mainly in boys, called hemophilia. If it is really bad bruising, I would have the Dr. look at it and ask around on your mom's side of the family to see if anyone ever had hemophilia. Hemophiliacs aren't as bothered by their bruises as we are by our much smaller ones for some reason, and though my son gets some doozies, they never really hurt him that much. It doesn't hurt to look into it as a possibility. Many hemophiliacs aren't diagnosed until something really bad happens, and the doctors have trouble stopping the bleeding, so it really is best to find out, (but only if you have insurance, because once they know your child has it, it becomes a 'pre-existing condition', so have your ducks in a row, so to speak, before you have him tested. In the mean time, arnica montana is a natural, homeopathic, topical bruise reducer that we use, you can find it at any health food store or vitamin store. I hope this helps:)
I have had three children, two very active, I never saw bruising. I would definitely have the doctor check that out.
I would take him to the doctor to make sure. Babies can get lots of bruises when they're learning how to get around, but how you're describing actually makes me concerned that you should take him in immediately. He may have low platelets for some reason and that can lead to other problems. Better safe than sorry.
You need to get him looked at . This is not normal.