I have 3 kids and one due to arrive in June, I have to remind myself to not sweat the small stuff and sometimes everything is not going to get done. Here is what I do to help my sanity.
1. My stepdaughter is 11 and she has chores she is responsible for doing around the house. She has to clean her own bathroom, her room, and do her own laundry. Sunday is her day for dish duty. I started her doing her own laundry at age 9.
2. My two sons ages 4 and 5 have slightly different chores due to their age. My 5 yr. old is responsible for cleaning his own room and as well as my 4 yr. old (although my 4 yr. old needs help, so either me or my husband will help him clean his room). They both are responsible for cleaning up the living room since it is always their toys making it a mess. They help set the table for dinner and everyonce in a while will help do dishes. My 5 yr. old likes to fold towels. so I give him that responsibility when he asks to do it.
3. I work part-time and my husband full-time with long hours. I made up a laundry schedule and get all the boys laundry done before the weekend, and if I have time I will do my laundry too, if not I do it on Saturday along with towels and linens. My stepdaughter has Sunday to do her laundry. Sometimes it doesn't always work out like this, but it helps to have a schedule. I wash all of the clothes, but my husband is responsible for putting away his own.
4. I use the crock pot a lot for dinners and pre-plan my dinners for a week at a time, and then will decide the night before what I am going to cook. Crock pot saves me so much time, I put the food together in the morning and by the time everyone's home dinner is done. Pre-planning your menu before you go to the grcoery store not only saves time, but money as well. I do most of the cooking, but usually on Friday's my husband will cook.
5. We do dishes together. It doesn't always work out this way, but I try at best to have the kitchen cleaned right after dinner, and I find that if me and my husband both work together it gets done a lot faster and we both have time to rest. He wiil put dinner away and clean up table and counters while I do dishes or vice versus.
6. We share in bathtime. We stil have to give the boys a bath so we take turns. One will bathe and the other will get Pj's on, we trade off on storytime. I'm sure once the baby is here he will be doing most of that.
7. Keeping my sanity:
I plan grpcery shopping when I have no kids.
After 8:30pm is my time. Kids go to bed at 8:30 and that is my time to relax, read or just rest. Granted once the baby is here my time will adjust to baby time, but once I get the baby on a schedule, I will have my time back.
Me and my husband have date night. For us it's not every weekend, but at least once a month we send the kids to grandma's house for an overnighter and we have time for just us.
Be flexible, although I have a schedule doesn't mean it is always going to happen that way.
Enlist the help of others. I rely heavily on my husband. He works twice and much as me and longer hours, but somewhere along the way we have learned to create a balance within our realtionship where we both help eachother. My kids help out around the house. Yes, I do have to argue with them sometimes about doing it, but I remind them that it is their responsibility as part of this family to help out. I will enlist the help of the kids to help out with the baby. All age appropriate of course, but asking them to get diapers for me, a blanket or clothes, etc. to help them feel apart of this new adventure we are taking on.
My house is not always clean, sometimes I'm too tired to do the dishes, and I don't always want to do the laundry and I have do let it go and remind myself that I will get it done, eventually...
Congratulations and Good Luck! I hope this helps.