Hi D., I actually had that happen with my second child. Your obgyn should be monitering your fluid now more often. Thankfully, when they noticed mine being low, I was already 36 weeks, they then wanted to check me again 4 days later to see if it was lower and if it was, they were going to have to induce labor. Amniotic fluid getting to low can harm the baby, I can't remember exactly, but I think they said if it gets to 5 or lower that they would have to induce. I'm not real sure how it "goes away", but I've heard that if you drink LOTS of water, sometimes you can replenish some of the lost fluid. So I think I would start there. Now, when I went to the hospital that 4 days later to have my fluid checked again, it was only down a tiny bit, not really enough to induce because it was scary low, but the doctor was unsure as wanting to bring the baby out a month early if the need not be there. Long story short, he had me walk around the maternity floor for an hour to see where my contractions were, I was having them on my own, and they had gotten to close together and he decided to keep me. I had my daughter and besides some minor problems when she was born, she is now 21 months old and as healthy as can be. She was having some breathing problems when she was born, gasping for air, they believed she inhaled some of the amniotic fluid and needed to get it out. She was in special care the whole 2 days I was in the hospital, but she came home with us and was fine. I honestly believe that a lot of the problems from when she was born was the person who was "trying" to deliver the baby. My doctor was there, but an intern was trying to deliver and my doctor got so frustrated with her because she wasn't doing what should have, he told her to move and he delivered the baby just fine within minutes. Because of the first lady not knowing what she was doing, my baby had a very slight fracture on her left shoulder, however nothing that has inpacted her life in a bad way. Like I said, SHe is a very healthy little girl and is in the 90th% for her height and weight.
Congratulations and good luck. Keep me updated on what the doctor says and when they check it again. And remember, Drink LOTS of water in the meantime.
If you want you can email me at ____@____.com