Lovely Non-expensive Maternity Clothes

Updated on March 16, 2009
K.H. asks from Kenosha, WI
4 answers

I am looking into buying some maternity clothes, but in this economy and our income, I do not have loads of money to spend...does anyone have any suggestions of places/websites they have found to provide maternity clothes at a reasonable price (approx. $20 for a blouse/top for example). I would still like to feel attractive in a bloated state, but not go into debt :)

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answers from Chicago on

I loved buyig maternity clothes from Old Navy, they have very cute clothes for cheap. They even have stuff on clearance a lot of times! I seriously got my favorite pair of mat. jeans from there for $3.98!!!



answers from Chicago on

I bought a lot of my clothes at Old Navy & Target. Both places have cute clothes at a reasonable price. I also went to Motherhood at Gurnee Mills and checked out the sale items.

Also, I don't know how you feel about buying used clothing, but you can check garage sales or twin club resales. I know that I sold a ton of my clothes at my garage sale last year, and I'm planning on selling the rest this spring. Happy shopping!



answers from Milwaukee on

You know-I used to go to second hand stores. Depending on where you live- Salvation Army gets Target's clearance items and always have maternity clothes. Also, walmart is very inexpensive and has cute things once in a while. Ebay has a lot to choose from as well.



answers from Chicago on

I have never been there, but a friend was just telling me about a nice resale shop in Gurnee called Repeat Street. Otherwise I would try Old Navy, Gap(they have a nice dale rack), Target, or Ann Taylor Loft. Good Luck.

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