Looking for Waterpark Recommendations

Updated on February 18, 2011
S. asks from Saint Paul, MN
14 answers

We want to get away for 1 or 2 nights to a hotel with a nice waterpark. We have a 9 month , 3 and 5 year old girl. So looking for ones that have great play areas for the little ones. None of our kids are swimmers. I don't want to drive too far. 2-3 hours max. I looked at the Dells and their water parks seem overwhelming. I would love to hear which waterparks you liked or really didn't like.

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answers from Minneapolis on

We've been to the Kalahari and Grand Marquis in the Dells. The Kalahari was really fun for my 4 year old - she loved it! She was 3 when we went to the Grand Marquis. It is small and pretty inexpensive. I liked that it was small when she was little so she could enjoy the slides but not be overwhelmed.

I've also heard great things about Great Wolf.

I've also been to one in Eau Claire - Chaos Waterpark - attached to the Metropolis Hotel. It was mid-sized and pretty fun. There was a lazy river and a small area for litle kids, plus an arcade area.

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answers from Rochester on

The dells may seem overwhelming but it is a lot of fun! We were at the Kalahari in the Dells for our family Christmas in December - we had 6 kids under the age of 5 and 7 adults. IT WAS A BLAST! There are lots of great areas for the little kids AND they could go on most of the adult slides if they rode with an adult. There was only 1-2 that I couldn't take my two year old on. There are life jackets there and all kids HAVE to wear them. My kids loved it. The trip was in lieu of Christmas gifts from their Grandparents and the kids have said over and over again that it was way better than presents! We plan to make the trip an annual tradition.

I have also heard really good things about the Waterpark of America, near MOA and there is a waterpark in Owatonna that is supposed to be pretty good too.



answers from Minneapolis on

I second the Copa Cabana. Not the fanicest of hotels, but a great waterpark area for that age.
If you dont want to go far, why not do the waterpark of America? It is so much fun, and my kids prefer it to the Dells. Just a thought.....have fun!



answers from Minneapolis on

Stay close to home and go to Waterpark of America. We love going there for a quick trip that feels "away from home." They have a fantastic little kid play area.



answers from Milwaukee on

My husband and I took our 2 year old to The Waters in Minoqua and had a lot of fun. We didn't want to "brave" the dells quite yet with her. It was the perfect size and still a lot of fun! You can find out more about it at http://www.thewatersofminocqua.com/waterpark.htm. Have fun!



answers from Rochester on

My kids (age 2 and 4) love the New Concord Inn in the Dells. Very small indoor waterpark with just a couple of slides that they go down all by themselves. Very reasonable rates, and water is shallow enough that you won't worry about them not knowing how to swim. There is a big pool you would have to worry about, but the little waterslides are shallow. We are actually going back soon! My kids were 1 and 3 when we went last and they loved it. You should be able to see pictures if you google it!



answers from Boca Raton on

____@____.com have an area that's perfect for kids under 5. We took my son there when he was 1 yrs old. He loved it so much he cried when we had to leave.

Schlitterbahn Waterparks are also fun with great area for toddlers.

If your kids are going to be anywhere near water, please get them swim lessons. Just a few lessons can make all the difference in their safety.



answers from Madison on

Great Wolf Lodge is EXCELLENT for the younger kids. We looked at 3 parks and choose GWL because of more for the little guys.



answers from Sheboygan on

The Copa Cabana in the Dells has a wonderful indoor waterpark that is perfect for younger kids. We went there last spring with our 5 and 3 year old. They loved it!



answers from Minneapolis on

Not sure if you are looking at traveling or staying "close to home".
My sister took my girls to a waterpark in Elk River, MN and they were really impressed with it. I, unfortunatly, was unable to go so can't really say first hand.
I have found great coupons at www.dealsonradio.com for area hotels and "fun stuff to do". I believe there was a special for the Elk River waterpark hotel on that site.

Hope you have a GREAT time!



answers from Madison on

Our favorite waterpark in the Dells is Great Wolf Lodge. They have a great restaurant for kids and a big area for kids. We liked Kalahari, but it seemed of less value for the money.


answers from Milwaukee on

Hi you did not say were you live but you did mention the dells so here is my sugestion have you heard of The Country Springs Hotel it is located in Pewaukee Wisconsin I had my daughters 5th birthday party there and everyone had fun.



answers from Seattle on

My geography is sketchy... are the WI dells close enough / the ones you're talking about?


We go to the GW here all the time. Little kid/infant stuff right along with big kid/adult stuff. MagicQuest is another bene... but be warned, the wands cost about $30 each.



answers from Minneapolis on

If you'd like a shorter drive than the WI Dells, you could try The Lodge or the Holiday Inn Express in the Brainerd area (just north of Baxter on 371). The Lodge has a northwoods theme and the Holiday Inn has a bright, beachy theme. My kids were older when we started going to waterparks, so they go for the slides (The Lodge even has lights and music inside one), but they also have kiddie areas, too. We like the one in Elk River, too, as they have good slides and a lazy river, but I can't recall what the options are for younger/non-swimmers. Actually, with kids of your ages, you might want to try something smaller first, like the Shoreview community center, to see how they tolerate a waterpark-type atmosphere (and how exhausted you are constantly watching all of them) before you invest a lot of time and money going to a bigger waterpark. Good luck!

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