Maybury State Park at 8 Mile and Beck has bike paths as well as a playground and farm among other things.
I am about to purchase a new bicycle and trailer to ride my 4 and 2 year old in. We have a great neighborhood for quick trips, but I would like to find other places to ride! I would like a safe route with very little traffic. Are there any parks near the Northville area that would be good biking places? Are there any bike trails nearby??? Thanks!
Maybury State Park at 8 Mile and Beck has bike paths as well as a playground and farm among other things.
You would have to drive a bit and wear helmets for all, but Kensington is very nice. There is also a bike trail in Mayberry State Park. Have fun.
You might want to try Hines Drive. Every Saturday from May to September between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 P.m. their is Saturday in the park in which a six miles section of Hines Drive is closed to automobiles from Outer Drive to Ann Arbor trail. You can park at Ninkin Mills Picnic Area located at hines Drive and Ann Arbor Trail. I blieve this is in Livonia but close to Northville.
There is also an entrance to Hines Park in Northville off 7 mile.
Kensington Park is very nice. It has an 8 mile bike/run loop around lakes. You can make it a day by staying at the picnic areas and playgrounds, or the little beach they have.