The cruds are here at our household as well. I usually use the RX ED-TLC that are pediatrician gives us for nasal congestion, post-nasal drip and cough, but that didn't work this time. So, I switched to Children's Tylenol Cold & Cough and it has worked like a charm!!! :) They are sleeping the entire night and even taking a good nap. The other think I found is the "Waterless" Vaporizor, I think it is by Vicks. Cost almost $20 but it has been the best investment for us this cold season. You put those vapor things in it (it comes with 5-6) and use it while they are napping or asleep during the night. Works like a charm. It also has a Night Light built in, so that makes them feel better as well.
Hope she gets better.
My twins are 2 1/2 and I give them 1 tsp of the stuff every 4-6 hours as needed. Just make sure it isn't any shorter than 4 hours so you don't overdose.
Also another idea is to ask your pharmist what he/she recommends. As well as the dosage in case it isn't on the package.
Hope she feels better.
Take care,
God Bless,
J. D
Mom to Ashleigh & Austin ~ 2 1/2