Discovery Toys has some great games and toys that might be able to help.
My son is 3 1/2 years old. I think he is ready to start learning how to read. He loves books. He also knows the sounds each letter makes. I was wondering if anybody knows of some good software/books/other material that I can use to teach him how to read. We've been doing some stuff at home, but I want to do this in a systematic way. Any suggestions/methods you've used and loved? Any tips are welcome.
Thank you all for your responses. I will definitely look into these options.
Thanks again :)
Discovery Toys has some great games and toys that might be able to help.
The BEST books that a lot of homeschoolers use are
"my first steps to reading " and "my first steps to math" by jane belk moncure. I got the set of 25 letters and 10 math books all for $40 on ebay and it was the best money I spent. Also look for any of the magic castle books by the same author.
My son is not quite 3 and recognizes letters and loves asking for his "T" book, or the "L book" because of how they presents the stories and words. he will be reading way ahead of schedule we think but we aren't pushing him, just letting him enjoy these books.
Hi Aarti,
We actually started to send our daughter to SCORES in Naperville in May for two hours a week and by July, she was reading small, short books and would try and sound out everything she saw from the grocery store to signs while I was driving. I was so amazed at how quickly she learned.
As of two weeks ago she has completed grade one reading according to the national standards and she is only 4 and in preschool They teach both reading/comprehension and Math. It's a computer based program with animation and characters that interest children and help them learn. You can check out their website at www.escore.com
Hope this helps...:)
Dear Aarti,
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (I got it from Amazon)... It's very systematic and easy to use, and I've used it for 2 of my children, who are excellent readers now, and I'm doing through it right now with my 3rd with very good results so far. Since he's only 3.5, my advice would be to take it slowly, maybe doing 1/2 a lesson a day instead of the whole lesson, until he is able to concentrate longer. Teaching your child to read is such an amazing and wonderful experience! Good luck
Hi! We used a set of books called Scholastic Phonics Readers for my girls. They loved it and it worked for them very well. It is a set of small books divided into different levels with new words to learn each time. Then there is a chart with it where you put star stickers each time the child can read each book. Of course they also memorise some of the stories too. I wanted to make sure they were actually learning to read so when I read them other books I pointed out the key words from the phonic books and asked them to read them too me; or I would ask them if they recognized any of the words other stories without pointing them out, and they did. That's awesome yours knows the letter sounds too. It will help him sound the words out!
I don't know if you remember hearing about the Hooked On Phonics series 10+ years ago, but they have one out for toddlers now to help with reading, etc. Check out the link:
I have heard good things about the program, but have not used it myself, although I may try it out soon, as my daughter is 2 years old and loves books and expresses a great interest in reading. Good Luck...if you get it, let me know how you like it and how well you think it works..
I really loved the leapfrog videos and leap pad. My son was reading Dr Suess books unaided cover to cover before he was 4. He is reading simple chapter books now and was just 5 in August. I also the think the more you read to them the more they are encouraged to read. I started reading to my son when he was infant.
I hope your son enjoys learning to read! It is fun :) The only thing I don't like about my son reading is that I don't get to read to him anymore- He won't let me!
My son's sitter is a tutor and she taught him how to read when he was 3 using a book called Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Steps. I do not know the author. It was very successful for him. He is a wonderful reader, and loves it. He is now 5 and reading chapter books and anything else he can get his hands on. We will be using the same book for my daughter soon. Good Luck.
I don't know of any books, but I highly suggest a phonics approach to reading. It will be very beneficial to your child in the long run. I have a cousin that was taught to read by memory (she has no idea what sounds letters make) and she has a really hard time with new words. It sounds like you're doing a great job so far!
There are all kinds of "products" out there to teach your child to read. The best way is to just read to your child everyday. Repetitive and rhyming books are excellent. After reading books over and over your child will be able to "read" to you by memorization. Reading 30 min per day is all it takes. You don't need a special program. Sound words out with him. Teach him the alphabet and the sounds the letters make.
I have also heard good things about "Teaching your child to read in 100 easy lessons". I am using "The First Reader" by Phyllis Schlafly. Great, great phonics program...love it!
I've heard the BOB books work great...my oldest is 6 now and learned the letters/sounds at 15 mos or so...she first started reading CVC words on her own at not quite 2 and then at 3 learned to read on her own. I think it's best to just touch these subjects and if your son shows a true interest then go with it. My daughter would bring me her tub of foam letters/numbers at 12 mos old and sit down and make me teach her the letters! We recently had her tested with a gifted-certified psychologist and she is very gifted. I'm saying this so you know that I did not force this upon her--rather I went with her interest and this is where we ended up. I think if your son is showing an interest in learning do it slowly and let him lead. My son is also 3 1/2 and knows the letters and phonics but picked this up on his own. I'm casually showing him how to read but his interest level is not the same as my daughters...he already told me he likes numbers more than letters!