I had the same issue, however, my husbands family had a wonderful transition idea that worked great. We started telling my daughter that when she was two, the "binki" (our name for it) fairy was going to come down and get it for the babies that really needed it, and in turn for being such a big girl she would get a suprise when she was sleeping. It's the whole tooth fairy thing with a twist. The night before her birthday she fell asleep like always, and woke up with it gone. The day was filled with activities to keep her mind off of the missing pacifier, and she got a special blanket to sleep with at night in case she needed something to snuggle with in the absence of the pacifier. I was amazed at how well it worked. She asked for it maybe 10 times total after that, but we reminded her that the babies really needed it and that she was a big girl now. And we have been "binki" free ever since without much argument on the subject.
Good luck, sometimes I think I was more attached to the calming effects of that thing than my child was.
H. Stockholm
Working mom of a beautiful 3 yr old girl, and wife to a wonderful husband.