Hi M.,
I am looking for a part-time job. If you still need help, please email me some additional information on what you're looking for exactly. Thanks!
I am still looking for help finding a qualified sales person that would be part time and delivery representatives. If anyone knows someone they could refer me to that would be great.
Hi M.,
I am looking for a part-time job. If you still need help, please email me some additional information on what you're looking for exactly. Thanks!
For sales and deliever of what kind of product? Please send me more information. Thank you!
Can you send me some info. I am interested. Thanks
I am currently looking for a new position. Could you send me an e-mail with all the details.
What exactly are you looking for ? I have been looking for some part time work. If you are interested, I would be happy to send you my resume. My emai is ____@____.com. Thank you! A.
Can you tell me more about what you are looking for?
What does the delivery representative job entail?
Hi Misty -
I am looking to do something from home or something that would allow me to take my son with me. Could you send me information about your opportunity?
Hi M.,
I am looking for a part time job, and would like to hear more about what you are looking for. Please email me when you can with more details.
Thank you,
What type of business is it?
Can you provide more details on the job? Thank you!