Call the GCPS Planning Department at ###-###-#### to find out which school you're zoned for.
Hey Guys I just bought a house in the Snellville/Centerville Ga. area I'm trying decide on a school for my boys one is 7 and the other is 5. Does anyone know abt Partee Elementary vs. Annistown Elementary. It was not this hard when we were young!!! Help!!
Call the GCPS Planning Department at ###-###-#### to find out which school you're zoned for.
My husband and I have a young daughter so these tools have come in handy when researching schools. Both of the following sites give great info on schools.
They're both good schools. Snellville is a good school district. By the way, you can get stats and all sorts of information on the schools online. www.doe.k12.ga.us; you can also check the county school web site. Gwinnett.k12.us.
I moved here from Texas. ( We live in Loganville) The way I decided on houses to even look at was I went to this site Greatschools.net . All you will need is the zip code of the area the school is in . Just go with the one with the highest rating. You can also read other parents reviews of how they think the schools are doing. very helpful site. Hope this helps. Your children's education is their stepping stone into the advanced world we are a part of. God Bless.