Go to your local child support enforcement place. That should get the wheels rolling. In my case the county attorney assisted with this also.
I have decided to file for child support after all these years for my oldest 2 boys that have always lived with me. My problem is that I have these papers to fill out and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do them. I've looked online for free legal advice but all I've found you have to be 125% poverty level and I don't qualify for it. It's beginning to get frustrating and I would rather resort to a lawyer unless need be b/c I can't really afford that either. Some advice or any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks in advance!
Go to your local child support enforcement place. That should get the wheels rolling. In my case the county attorney assisted with this also.
Good place to start. The county should assist you. Good Luck.
Call child support recovery! It's a state ran program you can get ahold of them through DHS too!
There is a radio show on 107.1 every Sunday (not sure what time) that is called Family Affair. It deals with family law and custody and offers advice. You can go to the website to check out more info. I'm not sure what the address is I always google fm 107.1. Good Luck, hope this helps
Do you know any social workers or are there any outreach or family counseling programs in your area where you could go to get help? Where do you get papers for something like that? Could you contact where ever you got the papers from and see if they can refer you to a program to help? Maybe someone at the local courthouse could point you in the right direction. These are just ideas, I've never been in that situation. Hope it helps.