Looking for an Effective Way to Clean Slate Floors

Updated on June 11, 2009
M.H. asks from The Colony, TX
4 answers

I am looking to see if anyone has any ideas on how to clean your slate floor. My slate floors never seem to be really clean using a mop. I thought about purchasing a steam mop but since slate is not a totally smooth floor I thought it may snag the cloth. Any ideas would be appreciated. My slate area is very big!

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answers from Dallas on

Do you know if it's been sealed? If not, make sure to have that professionally done. It will extend the life of your slate, and you can choose the finish (flat, semi, or high gloss). Shouldn't need to have it resealed but maybe every 3 to 5 years depending on foot traffic. Armstrong Once N Done is the cleaner my husband recommends - it's neutral and PH balanced. You can find in any store practically. We own a carpet cleaning company and we are certified in cleaning/polishing stone floors. Slate is pretty resiliant, but he's a little concerned about the simple green. It may be a little too harsh, just be sure to read the lable to see if it says it's PH Balanced. Armstrong Once N Done is also recommended by carpet stores.



answers from Dallas on

I have marble inserts in my entrance and kitchen and marble night stand tops. I use Simple Green. You can find it at most grocery store. It polishes, cleans, and makes it shine.



answers from Dallas on

I too have a large area of slate. I use a sponge mop with good wringer and Murphy oil soap. I love the smell of the soap. Don't use a steam mop because it will ruin your sealant and make your slate cloudy. You make also want to reseal your floor if you want a more polished look. It is easy to do- buy sealant, rub on clean floor, let dry. This can make a huge difference if your sealant has wore off, or you have low shine and want a high shine- read the bottle.

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