As a mom, a former preschool teacher, and a graduate of (and admissions interviewer for) an extremely "fancy" college, I'd really like to dissuade you from enrolling your son in the type of school you're looking for. That type of instruction is simply not appropriate for a 2-year-old, no matter how gifted, and in my opinion the schools that offer it are ineherently lower-quality.
That said, there are toddler programs that go above and beyond normal daycare programs. These schools encourage independant thought, exploration, and creativity. I guarantee you that every kid applying to my alma mater can read :), and many of the rejected applicants have straight A's. Intellectual curiosity and intrinsic motivation set a kid apart, and predict academic success at the highest levels. In other words, it's not about the information you know, it's about what you DO with the information you know that matters.
Maybe you could look into a Montessori school (look at the AMS website for IL member schools), a school that uses the Project Approach (such as the Compass School in Naperville) or the U Chicago Lab School (or ask them for recommendations). These would be places that could help your obviously gifted son develop to his full potential.
I hope you don't find me too preachy! It's a bit of a soapbox topic with me.