Looking for a Mostacolli/Mostaciolli Recipe

Updated on August 27, 2008
M.G. asks from Minneapolis, MN
4 answers

My husband is a huge fan of the mostacolli/mostaciolli (not sure of exact spelling) dish at Cosetta's in St. Paul. It's a bit of a drive from the west side of the metro where we live, so I'm looking to re-create it at home. I'm open to either meat or vegetarian options. Does anyone have a tried and true recipe?

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answers from Minneapolis on

I have a delicious and super-easy recipe. Prepare one 16-oz. box of mostaccioli noodles and mix with an 8-oz. container of ricotta cheese (full-fat, part-skim or fat-free, whatever you prefer). Pour noodle mixture into a 13x9 glass baking dish and top with bottled spaghetti sauce. Bake for 30 minutes at 350. Remove from oven, sprinkle on enough mozzarella cheese to fully cover the noodles and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes. If you want to add veggies, meat or anything else, just mix it in with the noodles and ricotta cheese before baking. Enjoy!



answers from Minneapolis on

The secret is in the sauce for Cosetta's M. (take it from an Italian). I have no idea what their recipe is, but here is my mother's - passed down through the generations:

Saute 3-4 garlic cloves, 1 green pepper chopped and 1 pound of Italian sausage (links are best, mild to spicy depending on your taste). You will need to poke holes in the sausage as it cooks to release the juice... When the peppers are soft, add one small can of tomato paste, three cans of water and one large can of diced tomatoes, crushed basil and oregano, and 1 tbls. sugar. Simmer for an hour or more - the longer you simmer it, the better it tastes. The sausage makes the sauce thick and creamy as it cooks completely over the hour.

The mostacolli is simply tossed with sauce, dolloped with ricotta cheese that has been tossed with some grated parmesan, and baked for about 15-20 minutes to heat the cheese through.

Cosetta's sells their own, fresh made ricotta cheese ~ I would recommend buying it there as nothing compares to it anywhere else.




answers from Minneapolis on

try allrecipes.com
i love their site and you can read all the reviews on the top rated items.
we, too, love cosettas! good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

I've always just done the pasta mixed with a bunch of ricotta and then topped with marinara from a jar. The Cossetta's sauce has a bit of sweetness to it, I think, so adding a pinch of sugar to your sauce might help with replicating it.

(this is a favorite quick-and-easy-and-cheap meal for us.)

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