Looking for a Great Hairdresser Who Does Highlights in Southlake/Keller Area

Updated on March 31, 2009
A.M. asks from Keller, TX
13 answers

I have naturally pretty dark hair and have always done blond highlights. Unfortunately I've always had dark roots sticking out even right after the highlights. My husband would sometimes even ask why I didn't get my hair done. (Hello?) So, lately I've gone back to my natural color with golden/reddish highlights throughout hoping it wouldn't be such a drastic color difference when my hair starts to grow out. I'm now thinking of going back to blond highlights (once a blond always a blond) and I'm looking for a great hairdresser who does really good blond highlights on dark hair. I prefer to stay in the Southlake/Keller area.

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answers from Dallas on

Hi there,
I am dark haired and get the blond highlights and I love my lady. Sheila Whitsell- ###-###-####. She is at the Suite Escape Salons at the corner of Southlake Blvd. and Nolen.
She is awesome!

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answers from Dallas on

You can try Melissa Tate at the Niche Salon in Keller. She does a great job and is affordable. Please tell her that T. referred you. ###-###-####



answers from Dallas on

I use Debbie at Tangles & Co. in Southlake off Davis. She is great and inexpensive. ###-###-#### I have have blonde, red & a cinnamon in my hair. Good luck.



answers from Dallas on


I have been going to Glen Alan Salon in Southlake and use Lindsay. I have gone to Lindsay and she has done my highlights for years. She is awesome, very personable and truly gifted with her hands and I to have dark hair. If you want to use her the number is ###-###-####. Good Luck

If you go tell Lindsay that R. referred you.



answers from Dallas on

You might try Elaine Long at the Old World Salon in Southlake at ###-###-####. She's had many years of experience and does a wonderful job. I think her days off are Sun and Wed.



answers from Dallas on

I have the perfect hairstylist for you who is a color specialist. Tamara Reynolds is at Legacy Salon on 1709. You can reach her at ###-###-####.



answers from Dallas on

I go to the Glen Alan Salon in Southlake and see Kendall. She is great!



answers from Dallas on

A., this isn't in Southlake but she's not far - 121 at Hall Johnson. Whitney at Mouton's is excellent! I don't know what she charges for color - I've only used her for cuts. She's been featured in hairstyle magazines and is asked for color advice from the other stylists.

S. T.



answers from Dallas on

J. Hill. She's off Southlake Blvd right near the Keller city limits. She's really affordable and has been doing hair for years and years! ###-###-####



answers from Dallas on

I use Tiffany at Salon 1709 in Southlake, she does an awesome job!! You'll definitely be happy w/ her!! I wouldn't use anyone else for my color/highlights.


answers from Dallas on

Tamara Reynolds at Legacy Salon...see Judith's comment below for her phone #. She has been doing my highlights for 15 years and she is great! Tell her I said hi!


answers from Dallas on

I just (last week) went to a new hairdresser in Grapevine and she was really, really great. It's called the Renata Salon and it's on College St. I don't know the number off hand, but I can find it if you're interested. Her name is Pam. Very nice and reasonable, too.
Good luck.
~B. Fish



answers from Dallas on

I am very happy with Brandi Hofer at the new Legacy Salons - she moved from the Venetian Salons. She also is running specials now to celebrate her move. Her number is ###-###-####. Legacy salons are located at the corner of Keller Smithfield and Keller Parkway (1709).

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