i had more than a little bleeding during my first trimester with my first pregnancy and i worried a lot. sometimes i really feared i was losing the baby. my doctor just kept telling me to be on "Pelvic Rest", that it wasn't normal but they see it all the time... whatever that meant. i had to demand an unscheduled ultrasound a coupla times to relieve My stress, which i thought was important. my OB GYN said it may have been a small hemorage on the placenta and that it should go away by the second trimester. which it did, along with my nausea, like clockwork.
i can sympathize with you, it is scary. i suggest keeping an eye on it, even if you have to get demanding like i felt i needed to. rest, which is hard for this type A, really was important as i found i bled less when i did. the hard part for you with the pelvic rest may be the heavy lifting because of your 10 month old... my midwife and doulas encouraged me to stay positive and follow my intuition about how my body was doing. reading a bunch of medical stuff online, did Not help me with this, so i encourage you not to go that route.
good luck, god bless and Peace, J.