TEKS is a TX exam, not school district specific. Here's a link that might provide the information you are looking for:
I need Lewisville Independent School District's Kindergarten TEKS-anyone know where I can found them on the internet?
TEKS is a TX exam, not school district specific. Here's a link that might provide the information you are looking for:
TEKS are the same across the state. Go to tea.state.tx.us
to find them.
TEKS (Texas essential knowledge and skills) are the benchmarks or topics that all teachers must follow regardless of ISD, city, etc. TEKS are the things that lesson plans are aligned to and are written by TEA and broken down into grade level and subject area. TAKS (Texas assessment of knowledge and skills) is a test that is given beginning in 3rd grade. Although, not for long. STARR is the new test that will replace the TAKS in Texas in 2011.
Looks like you got a good link already, but wanted to address the person that said TEKS is a TX exam. Actually, TEKS stands for Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (what must be taught) and TAKS (Tx Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) is the state test.
Every teacher in the state should be teaching this material.