I heard hairspray. The cheaper the better like Aquanet. ha ha.
I was told that Austin has lice outbreaks in the months of September thru November.
What sort of preventative do you use for your child??.....like something you may spray on his/her hair, but not toxic??
I heard hairspray. The cheaper the better like Aquanet. ha ha.
Tea tree oil. Add some to the shampoo you use. Also, put some kind of hair product in their hair daily. Such as gel or mousse.
Lice is mostly attracted to light colored, fine hair that is extremely clean.
Do not allow your children to share hats, combs, brushes with anyone.This is one of the main reasons many schools do not allow the children to hug each other.. That means at any playtime, no sharing hats... If your child is in gymnastics. Make sure the facility cleans out the landing pits..
Try to go 2 or 3 days between washing their hair. I do not know of a product you can spray to prevent lice, just behaviors to avoid it.
Grab a copy of Sept Parent:Wise, or checkout their website. The Cool and Crummy section this month are all Lice products
Shampoo from Paul Mitchell -Tea Tree, it's safe to use everyday.