Krista's right -- get the real leather ones from the studio or a ballet shop. I suspect that the Payless ones, despite their suppleness, will turn out not to be real leather but at least partly some synthetic material that will not stretch. You don't want the shoes to be too tight to start with and then have to depend on their stretching to fit.
Someone mentioned $25 and up for slippers -- nope. My daughter has danced for about six years and we never pay more than $18 to $30 maximum and that's for better shoes than you'd need for small child. You may pay around $15 to $20, I would think. And don't forget, you can wash leather ballet slippers -- just never, ever put them in a dryer!
Also, ask the dance studio if the shoes must be leather or if your daughter can wear canvas ones. My daughter actually prefers the feel of canvas but is required to wear leather at her level of dance. Canvas is a bit cheaper but doesn't necessarily hold up as long. Whatever you get, you'll need to buy more since her little feet will grow fast. But it's worth it if she really likes to dance!