I happen to think of shopping as a chore, not a pastime. We have one boy, he is 4. He isn't particularly greedy/ materialistic. He's got about 20 t shirts, 10 long sleeved t shirts, 10 shorts, 10 pants/ jeans/ fleece, 5 vests, 5 sweaters, 2 puffy coats, 15 underpants, 20+ pairs of socks. 7 pairs of jammies. 4 swim trunks.
He's got a scooter, a bike, had a trike, a bucket swing, a swing. He's got ice skates, two helmets. a bunch of cars, legos, wood blocks, a kindle, loads of books stuffies, and some fireman stuff. For all the toys he's got (and it is more than many, but not as much as some), he is more excited about building a spaceship out of a cardboard box, wearing a cape and pretending to be a superhero, or washing veg and baking.
These numbers work well for us as our wash cycle tends to be every 10 days or so.
You will work out what is important to have, how you wish to spend your money, and what most reminds you of home.
F. B.
When I was abroad, what I was after was entenman's chocolate covered donuts. Not sure if that is just a NY product, or available throughout the states. It was a taste of home that I was after.