I had mine done 7 years. It was the best decision I ever made. Back then it was around 2-3 thousand dollars. My husband had it done 9 years ago.
We both have no issues as a result. It was a scary experience. The actual procedure itself only lasts about a minute. They can give you something to take the edge off. They do clip your eyes open which I thought would be awkward, but it did not bother me at all. It was painless for all except 10 seconds, but they seemed to last forever. The second they finish you can see everything, it was amazing. After wards was the part I was not prepared for. It is only mild discomfort (similar to getting soap in the eyes) for the next few hours and then you don't feel anything. There are strict rules about the healing process and that is the part that still freaks me out and would prevent me from doing it again if I needed. I was so afraid something would move the flap and hinder feeling.
I know I contradict myself. I would not do it for a second time just because of the place I am in my life (and the fear of side effects/problems) but at the time it was the greatest decision ever. For the first few years I would wake up every morning amazed I could see the alarm clock.