Hi! I was considering it too. I went for the preliminary to learn of the risks and benifits. It was very informative and if your considering it you should too. I found out you must:
1. loose 10% of your current body weight
2. you may only loose about 2 lbs a week
3. it is perminent!
4. You can only eat small portions and should eat about 5 small meals everyday
5. you will have to see a pulminologist, be tested for sleep apnea, have a physical, see a nutritionist, some times a cardiologist and a counselor. Some of these more than one time.
5. Check your insurance to see if they pay for it at all and if so how much.
6. You will have pre surgery checks, surgery and then pot surgery checks also.
7. There may be foods that you can't eat at all. Example: breadsof any kind. You must chew your food really well and you must eat slowly.
8. For me it was going to be very expensive. The copays for all the doctors would be $15 per visit. Then the seminar was $100 and I had to get my insurance to cover the one doctor or that was going to be all out of pocket. The Hospital said I must see their Dr., my insurance said that Dr. wasn't covered. Also I live 1 1/2 hours from the hospital that would do it. (The rest of my choices were further) I would have minimum 15 trips up and back. Gas prices are going down but it would still be expensive. Also I have to consider child care. When I go to all the Drs I couldn't take the 2yo and my husband wanted to be in the office to hear everything. That too is a good option haveing a close friend, spouse, someone to hear everything. I would have had to pay some childcare costs. (Grandparents can do some for me but not all).
It for some is definatly worth it and I have not ruled it out but I figure if I can loose 10% maybe I can loose enough to feel good and be happy without surgery. I have offically put it on hold!
As with any surgery there is risks and if you overeat you can gain all the weight+++ back.
I joined Weight Watchers. I figures even if I do have surgery (i'm leaning towards NOT) I still have 10% to loose and needed help doing it. In the 1st month I lost 11.6 lbs. I have about 150 lbs to loose total but WW is teaching me portion size, control, and how to make better choices. If your having surgery you MUST make a life change in how you eat, how much, what and how often so I figured I would start now. Don't be afraid to go get the facts but make sure you do all the research before you make a decision. Most of the time from when you have your 1st meeting to surgery it is minimum 6 months. Also talk to family, friends, coworkers, etc. and see if they know anyone that has had it. Talk to actual patients (not just the ones the Dr. gives you, they only pick the best cases!). In the mean time try Weight Watchers. You will have to loose 10% first anyway so get a head start on it. WW and surgery are both a change in choices and life style. Might as well get started now! A.