Landlord Has Asked to Be Added on Our PGE Bill?

Updated on April 20, 2011
L.C. asks from San Lorenzo, CA
5 answers

My husband and I are a bit confused right now. Our landlord has asked us a few months now to add him onto our PGE bill. I guess he is planning to refi the home. My husband tried calling PGE twice asking that he add our landlord on our PGE bill. Both reps said that they could not do that because 1. the landlord would have to be financially responsible for the bill and 2. it contains my husband's personal information on the account. Our landlord has asked again to give them the PGE bill with his name on it.

Can someone tell me how to go around this or why they would need his name on there? We tried contacting PGE and they just won't do it. Can our landlord just re-open the account under his name if he needs it under his name?

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answers from San Francisco on

It sounds like he is trying to establish actual residency at your home. If he wants to put it in his name, I'd let him but also let him know he is now responsible for paying. That could backfire if he doesn't pay, you will never know until your power is turned off.

I would ask you landlord WHY he wants his name on the account.

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answers from San Francisco on

He may be trying to show he lives there. Just tell him to do it himself.

There is nothing you can do.

Have a good day.

N. Marie

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answers from Salinas on

The first thing i thought of when I read this was the landlord trying to get into a desirable school district (the public school in our area requires the PG&E bill to show proof of residency along with another bill). I was just joking with my husband the other day that some people use propane or what if they are real nature people who do not have PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric for those who have never heard of it). Anyway, I would be very careful. Not sure why he wants this bill in his name, but it seems he is trying to do something that might backfire on you.

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answers from San Francisco on

I agree with Anne. Also, if you live in a certain neighborhood and he has kids that he wants to send to the neighborhood school, the schools require proof of residency and often ask for copies of your utility bills WITH your name on it. We live in an area with a good school district so there are always people trying to do whatever they can to get their kids into our schools.

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answers from San Francisco on

what is a PGE bill? if it is an electric bill then you'll need to close the account and your landlord will need to open it under his name... the bill can still be sent to your address. Don't put two different people's name's on the account ...

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