Oh no! The day started out so jolly here today, too!
kk, here's my wish for all the overwhelmed moms in the world (I'm no longer one of them since my kids are older teenagers, but I've BEEN there honey!):
May ALL the younger moms have a dream today (well, DAYdream, since so few of us get enough sleep), to a day when things calm down, more money is available, enough bad things have happened so that they realize it IS gonna be ok afterall, when they watch that IMPOSSIBLE toddler walk across the stage at college graduation. To when they see a pair of jeans they like for themselves and just BUY them.
To when they can SLEEP all night. To when they can eat what THEY like for dinner, while seated, across the table from another grown up!
To when they can silently shrug at differenting parenting styles cuz CLEARLY their style is what's working for them.
To when ALL of their children effectively wipe their own butts, don't vomit on the new sofa, have their own JOBS, and everything in between.
To when someone asks THEM how they are and waits for an answer.
To when it doesn't MATTER so damn much that the man can't put his own freakin' dishes in the sink or doesn't occur to him to BEND OVER and pick up the toy he keeps tripping over, and when he wants sex, you want it TOO since today you went shopping for new bras, shaved your armpits, AND had a glass of wine while waiting for him to get home from work.
May THAT day come quickly to ALL the moms, but not SO quickly that we don't get to savour the feeling of an infant sleeping on our chests, or the first 20 feet the 1st grader makes it with no training wheels.