My husband had surgery and they did a lot of what you're talking about. He had it done at the end of the week and during the weekend every time he bent his head forward blood ran down into his mustache. He eventually shaved it off. By Monday we decided he was bleeding too much and went back to OKC and saw the doc. He pulled out the "Nasal Tampon" and it seemed like it was about a foot long. He then proceeded to pull huge things out of his sinus' with long tweezers, I asked what it was and the Doc laughed and said "Boogers". After he repacked the sinus' my husband felt better but he still had some discomfort. He took the pain meds and slept a lot. He even went to work with me at the home where I was employed as a nanny, he just slept on the couch and I kept the kids off him. He was off work at least a week and maybe two.
I saw on your profile in previous questions that you were a student so I assume you don't work but go to school. So who watches your child when you are in class? If they go to child care then you have to pay anyway, if you recieve assistance for child care then clear it with your child care worker and child care provider in advance. Go ahead and take him and have a neighbor give you a ride back and forth. When I lived in married student housing the famioy resource center had some resources that I could use if needed. I also think you could put the surgery off until Spring classes are over.
There's a 3 week break between Spring classes and Summer classes so that could be when you schedule it. Your mom might even be able to arrange for a weeks vacation at that time or your dad could get flight reservations early and then it would be cheaper. If you go to church or at least believe in the teachings then perhaps you could find a church family that could be supportive. I know our Relief Society is supposed to work that way, they don't very often but it's supposed to. Look into community organizations, see if there are any that could help with anything from house keeping to laundry. Anything except taking care of your child can be put off. Use paper plates and plastic flatware, use stuff for the microwave and let things go.
So, have your surgery on a monday, take your son to child care M-F that week and get rest. When it's time to pick him up have a plan, you could offer room and board to someone to come in for the 2 weeks, it could be a student friend who is out of the dorms at that time too. At 4 years old he really is old enough to understand you aren't feeling well and that you can't pick him up but that doesn't mean he can't crawl up in your lap to begin with. You can still have serious snuggle time with him sitting in your lap or him laying beside you on the couch watching tv. Have food issues taken care of, buy stuff for the freezer, stock up, get frozen food that is microwavable, save up spme money for pizza delivery, plan ahead. They have lots of veggies now that are microwave ready such as broccoli, rice, and cheese, or red potatoes and green beans in a yummy sauce.