My dd was premature and very very jaundice she looked like a hispanic orange baby with black hair. Now at 5 she's got that super pale white skin and blondish hair. So she looked awful and was under the lights at the hospital 24/7 for days.. I don't remember how many days but I wanna say close to a week, I couldn't even hold her for 10min. the nurse would yell at me to put her back under her light. She finally came home from the hospital still looked funny her skin color was still way off but maybe by one month old she was normal looking and looked like a caucasion baby. We did tons and tons of blood work and my dd is now 5 and I can still find scars on her hands and ankles from being pricked so many times. I have no idea what her levels were but they were bad and it just took time... and patience. They get rid of the bilirubin through the lights or going potty so the more you feed them and the more they potty it helps too. If your already out of the hospital just go outside with your new baby and let the sunshine do it's job. I was very very offended when my dd was under the phototherapy and I couldn't even take her out to hold her for more than 10 min. all I wanted to do was bond and hold my baby. Now I know it was important. So Yes I think it's normal and I don't think you need a specialist it's a very common thing.