Either duct tape or side snapping cloth diapers. They are not Grandma's prefold and plastic pants. Just as easy as disposables.
My son is 21 months old and has recently started a stage where he thinks it is fun to try and take off his diaper during nap time and bed time! This is very frustrating because he is not potty trained so then he ends up peeing in his crib while sleeping. What have you other moms done when your child went thru this stage. im know im not the only one, well i hope not anyways. He is a great kid and extremly active. He has gone number 1 and 2 on the potty a hand full of times but not on a regular basis. He is the type of kid you can rush or force to do something if he really dont want to because it makes him not want to do it even more then. Do you think this is a sign he is getting ready to potty train? I work full time so he goes to daycare so it is hard to really work on potty training a lot with him. Knock on wood he is a very good sleeper at nap and bed time and falls asleep on his own for both but latley is obsessed with having to take his diaper when sleeping. What do i do? I have tried the onsies, but they dont work either. He will pull it off thru the bottom of the onsie.
Either duct tape or side snapping cloth diapers. They are not Grandma's prefold and plastic pants. Just as easy as disposables.
Put a onesie on backwards. They can't reach the snaps!!
We've cut the feet of a pair of feety pajamas and put them on backwards. That way our son couldn't unzip it to get to the diaper.
Good luck!
If your house stays cool enough at night, put him in zip up pajamas and either put them on backwards (if they don't have feet) or safety pin the zipper on the inside so he can't get the zipper down.
If your house is warmer, I would put him in overalls.
Good luck,
Hi T.,
A dad from my ECFE class had to duct tape his sons diaper on at night and during naps. It only took a couple of days and his son gave up trying to rip it off. It gave us all a good chuckle too when he told us that it worked. Good luck!!
C. O
You could try putting it on backward, then he would have to reach around in back to get the tabs off. Or Duct tape works well. Best wishes! ~S.
I have had a few people buy fleece diaper covers from me to put on their kids when they start doing that. It looks like a snug fleece underwear and its a little bit harder for kids to get off. My 16 month old son is starting to reach that stage but only if I don't put pants on him or if his pants are too loose and he can get them off easily.
DS#2 and DD#1 were both like this, though DS#2 was waaaay worse! With both of them, we had to put the diaper on backwards and put a onsie on over it. That worked perfectly for my DD#1, but DS#2 we had to add duck tape to. Seriously. DD#1 stopped even trying after maybe a month, though I don't think it was quite that long. She'd try every once in awhile after that, we'd put the diaper on backwards for a day and she'd stop. DS#2 we had to do all of the above from 15mos until he potty trained at 2 1/2yrs.
I did pajamas without the footies on backwards. They cant reach the zipper.
T. I feel your pain!!! My daughter just turned 2 and we HAD the same problem and we tried everything the backwards onesies, backwards pj’s, different pj’s, we even tried keeping her in jeans or overalls at bedtime since it was the only thing she couldn’t get off. But, nothing worked… I finally had my last straw when we woke up to what we call Madelyn’s poopy putty incident #2. My daughter with poop all over her face, wall, clothes, floor and it smelled SO bad I called our pediatrician right away. He suggested tape! Sounds terrible I know, but little pieces of tape on the tabs and she hasn’t done it since!!!!!
My oldest used to do this all the time we had to put duck tape on the straps so she couldn't get it off...we just used one piece from one side of the daiper to the other...worked great hope it helps
I am going through this exact thing with my 20-mo old daughter! I don't know the magic solution---just a desperate one..I started taking her footie pajamas, cutting the feet out of them & putting them on her backwards. Sounds crazy, but it is working..for now--knock on wood. I am working with her on using the potty chair too, but she just likes to sit on it & giggle, so we're not making a whole lot of progress there. Good Luck to you--You are not alone!!!
When my daughter went through the buck naked stage, we put her diapers, and eventually her jammies, on backwards. It did thwart her for a couple of months. It doesn't necessarily mean he's ready to potty train - many kids just like the freedom at this age. Just another fun stage to work through and laugh at later!
Ducktape, Electrical Tape, Onsie, Pajamas on backwards etc...
BTW my 7mo.old pulled her diaper off the other day and pooped on my floor LOL.... Aren't kids fun?
A friend had to dress her daughter in sleepers that zip up. She would put then on her daughter backward and then she couldn't reach the zipper or her diaper. She wore the sleeper night and day (even to daycare) until that phase passed.