I have to agree with everyone else. I have been divorced with one child, it's been 7 yrs now and there are still issues. The big/huge/gigantic difference is that I don't see my child everyday. I have custody but he is gone alternating major holidays and weeks in the summer. He misses picture day at school some years, and family reunions. Just things you can't even fathom. My ex was abusive to me. If yours isn't mentally or physically abusive, then really seek counseling and stop the blame game! Decide to try and just stop fighting. The changes that you make with make changes in him. If you can't afford the house you are in, let it go! Is it really worth it? I grew up in a mobile home and had an incredibly happy childhood. I got married and moved to a nice house and had a miserable marriage. It's not the things that make you happy, it's the less stress. When you argue, swallow your pride and apologize, even if you think you're right, it takes two to argue. I am happily married now, and we argue sometimes, and it takes a lot of work to keep things going. Go out on a date without the kids... start with a week-end trip, no problem discussion allowed, camping is cheap and make a point to agree with whatever he wants, what difference does it really make, reconnect. That's more important that which site the tent goes in. Good luck! Prayers your way.