Addition: I was thinking last night and wanted to let you know depending on Which hospital you work for, many offer on-site or dedicated child care center and it is discounted, great quality and as an employee, some even give you $$ back in your paycheck. Be sure to ask your employer (baylor, cook children's, harris downtown have them for sure!)
There is an incredible service for our area called Child Care Resource and Referral. There is only one per area and for ours it is at the link below. You simply call them and give them the criteria you are looking for (price, in-home, curriculum, location, etc) and they find fve to 7 registered (in home centers don't have to be "licensed" in TX, but registered) home child care providers (or whatever you are looking for).
Right now it is only $10 for this kind of search, but they have a ton of free resources to help you regardless of whether you use them or not! They are a HURE lifesaver! Good luck!