Men are really simple minded. It really is all black and white with them. My husband (married 17 years) and I have no children together, but I have 2 older ones from a previous marriage. They don't live with us, they are much older. Mind you, he is very good about cards and gifts for my birthday and Christmas, but on Mother's Day, nothing. I don't get upset at all because I know how he thinks. His reasoning is that like the other men, I'm not his mother, lol. Which I do understand. But I try to explain to him that I am A mother and Mother's Day is to honor all the mothers in your life, whether they are the mother of your children or your own mother or your wife who is a mother of 2 people. Lol. So yesterday he did wish me a Happy Mother's Day and I thanked him and had a good chuckle over it. In the past, he's even gotten me a card from the dogs! Lol.
What we as women need to do is to explain to our men that this is a day for honoring all women who happen to be mothers, not just their own mothers. And that they would be doing such a wonderful thing if they took their children to the store and helped them pick out a card for mommy, or better yet (but this may be too much to ask) help them make one from scratch. Yeah, you can all stop laughing now, I know I went too far with that one, lol.
And ladies, for Father's Day? I know you want payback, but this isn't the time to do it. Help your little ones make a card for daddy or help them pick out one and make his day a little special. Maybe not a whole lot, just a little. And maybe, just maybe, your children will question why daddy didn't do anything for mommy on Mother's Day. They may not, but it may be in the back of their minds. But please don't put it in there for them, that defeats the whole thing!
Teach by example. I know it hurts, but after 30+ years, I can honestly say that they really just don't think of these things. I wish men were more like us. I wish they could just look around and see what needs to be done instead of assuming we don't need any help because we haven't asked for any. And we're thinking, uh, can't you see what needs to be done here? No, they can't. They really can't. Poor dears, lol.