For your core, you want to focus on your transverse abdominis. That's the coreset muscle that really holds everything in and flat...and it gets totally destroyed during pregnancy.
Easiest things you can do right now:
-Deep breathing. At the end of the breath, pull your belly button in towards your spine as much as you can. Hold for 5. Repeat. Do 3 sets of 20.
-On your hands and knees, suck your belly in and release. 3 sets of 20.
Once you have the baby...same things, plus the planks the other poster mentioned. I did the deep breathing every time I would get up to feed the baby. When all you're doing is sitting there so baby can nurse or have a bottle, it's easy to get these done.
PS: Why would you have to wait until "getting cleared" at 6 weeks for your doctor. I'll never understand this... Unless you had a C section or complications...you can really start working out whenever you feel up to it.
With both of my kids (and 1 was a section), I started working out again the week I came home from the hospital. I'm a fitness person, and worked out up until delivery with both of my kids. Sitting there idle just drove me nuts.