I grew up in northern Illinois, so the one I remember most is the winter of 1979. I can't recall how many feet fell, but there was so much snow piled up we couldn't even get out of the house ,and the snow plows couldn't get out initially.
Once the snow stopped and the plows got working for the next several days, it was still slow going. At first, people were only getting around on snowmobiles. It seemed like forever that we had 6 feet piles of snow on either side of our driveway. I was in high school and recall being mad at my parents for not allowing me to "walk" to a friend's house for a party that was supposed to be happening. Well, no one else could go either, but it still seemed like a good idea at the time to fuss at my parents! ; )
I also lived in Louisville when the entire city and surrounding areas where shut down because of massive snowfall and ice. I think it was early 1994. The interstates were literally closed down by order of the governor. Only emergency personnel were permitted to be out. I was able to let my beautiful Husky run wild in the neighborhood without the danger of traffic. She was sure in her element! Whenever I look at those pictures or even just remember that time, it brings me joy.
Now, all these years later, after moving further south and then west, I've gone soft. It's a little embarrassing, being a midwestern girl at heart, but when we go back home during winter, I don't deal with the cold, snow, and ice very well.
I could not see dealing with snow for extended periods of time, scraping car windows, shoveling paths, driving in snow and ice, having events cancelled, etc. BUT, as I mentioned last week, I would LOVE to have just ONE snow day. It would bring back memories, and maybe I'd sit on the couch and read or clean out a closet or two.
It's going to be 78 here today, so I've no excuse not to get out and get my list of things done.
Really, though, I'd love to trade you some of our heat and sun for a JUST A LITTLE of your snow for a day!
Stay warm and safe; order some new books on your tablet, and enjoy try to enjoy this imposed lockdown.
J. F.