My daughter is a cheerleader.
When middle school cheer was over, I packed all of her cheer clothes, etc in the cheer bag and put it away.
When High School (grades 9-10) was over, I did the same thing. In HS, the 10th graders get to keep 1 designated uniform. They have 5 uniforms that are "school property" and used yearly and 1 of them is designated to be the keepsake for the older grade.
Same with Sr. High (11-12), she is currently in 11th grade, all uniforms will go back to the school and re-issued to the new squad in April after tryouts. She has about 8 uniforms now and a large bag. When she is done with Sr., year, I'll do the same and keep the designated uniform that is the keepsake and all other clothes in the the bag and put away. The megaphone will have to fit somewhere else because right now, it will fit in the bag when she goes to games but not if the bag is full of clothing!
The Sr high has a LOT more clothes, jackets, etc and a lot of the things can be worn afterwards such as the yoga pants, sewat pants, jackets, t-shirts, shorts, etc. I'll just put the things I know she will not wear/use in the bag for storage.