Jff-pick It up or Ignore It Ever Happened?

Updated on October 31, 2011
H.D. asks from Allen, TX
21 answers

Ok, so I was at the grocery store with my toddler munching away on her snacks I brought when all the sudden she drops the entire bag for ALL of it to go everywhere!

I know this has happened to the best of us, so are you the type to clean it all up and hold up traffic trying to get down the aisle, or ignore it and move on? Be honest;)

PS: Happy Halloween to those who will be celebrating this evening, and be safe!

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answers from Washington DC on

I clean up my kids mess. If I can't do it myself, I ask for the store manager to help in some way.

No way am I going to leave my kids mess like it didn't happen. Think that would be ENTIRELY rude to do. I know I wouldn't want my children to model that behavior.

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answers from San Francisco on

I pick it up staying out of the way as much as possible. I also can't stand it if someone else doesn't. I'll either pickup or go get an employee if the mess is questionable and gross. Maybe a little OCD about this.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I'll pick up what I can see, but I won't get on my hands and knees trying to get the stuff that rolled underneath the shelves.

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answers from Jacksonville on

I've cleaned up several such messes...I can't in good conscience leave it.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Amanda, Cheryl O and the other ladies are 100% right. You made the mess. You clean it up. Just like you flush the toilet after you're done.

Good luck to you and yours.

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answers from Chicago on

While I might not pick up every crumb I certainly would not leave the mess right there for someone else.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Depends on what it was. tee hee
If it was something I could scoop up with a handful or two (chips or something) then I would at least attempt to get the bulk of it. If it was something rolly, like skittles or cheerios that just rolled to kingdom come, then I would probably just use my foot to scoot it out of the aisle so it didn't hang up on the wheels of the carts.

It it was wet/sticky, then I'd look for a store employee.

I generally never allowed my kids too many snacks that were that messy. They may have gotten a small ziploc bag, but they never dropped it and had things go everywhere. A cheerio or two, yeah, but never an entire BAG.

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answers from Lakeland on

I would pick up what I could and then find an employee and let them know I made a mess.

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answers from Honolulu on

I call over a store employee, explain what happened and apologize.
They clean it up.
I meanwhile, let the others in line, go ahead of me.
IF I have something in my purse to actually clean it up with, will try to.
Or I scoot the particles, off to one side of the aisle. Again, calling a store employee to explain/apologize to, and they do have things in the store to sweep it up with.
I don't carry a broom or mop, in my purse.

This happens a lot at stores. Per kids.
It happens.

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answers from Chicago on

don't clean it up- that's a good way to teach your child good habits.

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answers from Dallas on

Rule at our house............ you make a mess, you clean it up

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answers from Detroit on

I would pick it up. Its my job to clean up after my kids, not anyone elses. Honest.

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answers from Providence on

I would clean it up!

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answers from Raleigh on

Clean up type. I worked in a restaurant for many years. Those parents whose kids dropped food all over the floor and made a complete mess without at least attempting to clean it up were my biggest pet peeve. I think about this every time my kids make a mess in public.

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answers from Richmond on

LOL, one time I was trying to hustle and grabbing jars of baby food and throwing them in my cart... well, my sleeve caught the corner of the cardboard holding the jars... yeah, about 16 jars go flying off the shelf and broke on the floor. YIKES. One of the guys that worked there heard it and flew around the corner and I must have looked like a deer in headlights, saying 'I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!'... he laughed at me, grabbed a mop bucket, and told me to keep shopping, it was okay and happens more often than he wished it would ;) Those guys are used to cleaning up, but appreciate when you let them know :)

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answers from Lincoln on

I'd be one to seek out an employee if I couldn't pick it up myself. I was just thinking about this in a similar way the other day... I guess I'm just accustomed to cleaning up or something. I was out to eat with my son and as I was finished with our dishes I stacked them orderly on the side of the table along with the silverware. Then I proceeded to take a napkin and wipe off the table where he'd made a little mess. Habit I guess :-)

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answers from Phoenix on

I would do my best to pick up the mess. I think it's inconsiderate to expect others to pick up my kid's mess.


answers from Phoenix on

It depends on if its dry or wet and I likely will just tell an employee that I dropped or spilled something and leave it up to them to clean it up. I wouldn't act like it wasn't us that did it, but if its wet and I don't have any paper towels and know where to throw it all away, then I just tell the staff and leave it up to them.


answers from Dallas on

dry stuff I pick up. wet spills i go to the front and fess up.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I stopped at a local Walmart grocery store for a few things and got to wandering around, remembered something across the store, go back and forth several times...what I didn't know was that I had picked up a busted bag of sugar and everywhere I went it drizzled all over the floor. No one can make a bigger mess than I did that night.

The store employees told me they have special chemicals to clean up food spills so that it gets sanitized.


answers from Houston on

When that happens and ive tried to clean it up..somebody stops me and does it themselves, an employee of the place im at.

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