JFF* Besides Your Kids, What Are You Most Proud Of?

Updated on October 31, 2011
X.O. asks from Naperville, IL
21 answers

I was just sitting here thinking that the last time I was REALLY proud of myself for achieving something was nearly 6 years ago!

I need some inspiration to help me set a new goal.

So, what are you ladies proud of in your lives?

@ Victoria, I totally get what you mean, and it is nice to be able to brag anonymously! :) Wow, what a life you are living!

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So What Happened?

My last major achievement (December 2005) was completing my student teaching at a very elite private high school in Chicago. They had never taken on a student teacher before, and were very skeptical about it, but I was even offered a job (but since it was only PT and I needed medical benefits, I couldn't take it.)

Before that it was overcoming my horrendous & crippling stage fright and singing a duet for Vivaldi's "Gloria: Laudamus Te" (2000)

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answers from Houston on

My eyebrows. It's the one thing I have control over and they always look good :)

I know I have others that are a little more achievement oriented... but that's my one I remain consistent on at all times.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I guess, overall, (with regard to myself) I am proud of myself for being independent. I worked and put myself through college, lived on my own, obtained a career in my field of choice, have bought my own home, and stood on my own two feet for all of my life. I was given NOTHING.
I married a man with a very similar story and together, we are proud of the life we have built together.

I also am proud of the fact that although I WANT to be married--I don't NEED to be married. :)

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answers from Dallas on

I am thankful I was able to break out of poverty and alcoholism that plagues most of my family. My dad quit school in 8th grade and my mom in the 10th. I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering (wasin that field for 15 yrs) an MS in Early Childhood disorders and 90 hrs towards a doctorate. I was the second woman at my major university to earn an ME degree, I was inducted into the honorary fraternity and was one of the first women in TX to become a licensed registered professional engineer.
Even more thankful I have chosen to live a healthful lifestyle which is why I have survived a stroke, open heart surgery and now cancer (lost half a lung in Jan.) Despite all that I teach exercise classes and do personal training. I can still slalom water ski at age 57!
I learned to do free hand engraving last year which has allowed me to get back to one of my first loves--art.
Thanks for letting me brag. I could only do that anonymously! Most people who know me don't know all of this.

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answers from Houston on

I quit smoking cold turkey after 14 years and never looked back.

Ive been working out and eating right for almost a year now , i lost almost 30 lbs.

Even though iv'e had more than the average run of the mill bad things happen to me iv'e remained optimistic. I figure there is no point in being unhappy and dwelling on sadness.

My marriage is damn near perfect but i had to work very hard on that.

.............i like this topic, we so rarely focus on what we do right!

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answers from Kansas City on

Finishing my Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing when I was married with a 3 year old and pregnant with #2. And working full time!

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answers from Austin on

Getting my BS degree at age 35.... Surviving living in a foreign country for 3 years.... :)

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answers from Minneapolis on

In March, I turned 50. In August, I earned a Black Belt in Karate. In September, I got my prospectus (research question and approach) approved to start work on my dissertation for my PhD.

But, I'm still most proud of my smart, pretty, talented nine-year-old daughter, and hope that I'm setting a good example for her about what a woman can accomplish and how she can be in charge of living her life.

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answers from Charlotte on

I loved seeing that you worked on your stage fright to sing - that IS an accomplishment. I've been singing in front of people since I was two years old, and I still get a little nervous when I sing. My husband and I laugh about my "butt" shaking at the beginning of a performance until I get comfortable with my audience, so I made sure not to wear anything too tight!

I only give concerts overseas, because I chose not to continue my performance degree in opera as a professional. And in order to do concerts here in the US, one really needs to be a professional singer. I chose a husband and family instead, and I have never regretted that. But what I did (and still do when I visit Japan now) was to raise money for charities, and I'm very proud of that. I made so many friends and met so many wonderful people and I was able to make a difference while I did something I absolutely loved.

Plus, I got to do it in front of my children. They will always remember their mother singing on stage.


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answers from Kansas City on

Love, love, love your question.

1. I provided excellent, loving 24/7 care to my mother in the last few months of her life. It was extremely difficult but it was my final gift to her for being a great Mom!

2. Choosing a great husband/father from a sea of dead beats.

3. Winning a scholarship and a surprise paying internship during my last year of grad school.

4. I'm proud that I'm not giving up on a dream that I had 17 years ago. Taking some extra steps to see to it that I am prepared for a job that I wanted a long time ago. (I'll be even more proud if it works out in the end.)

**Add: Dear Queen of the Castle: what is your answer to your own question?

Momma L: I agree. Your eyebrows are very nice. I need someone like you to teach me the art of eyebrows.

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answers from Washington DC on

Aside from my kids because they are my most precious and amazing gifts, I am proud of me. I had my first daughter when I was 20. I had my boys at 22 and 24. My husband and I got married when I was 21 and built our home when I was 25. I got my undergraduate degree a semester early, despite having a baby while in college and another one on the way. I have a goal to have my MBA by the time I'm 30, and if all goes as planned, I'll be done this coming August, and I'll be 29!!

I am so proud of this because I see so many young mom's who just say it's too hard and it can't be done. It CAN be done...the drive just needs to be there. And a great support system.

I am also proud of the work my husband and I put in to us. We had a rocky, rocky start, and while we still have our issues (many that stem from the rocky start) I can say I am so grateful we worked through everything and continue to work. People can't change unless they want to, and it's amazing to see the changes in myself and my husband as people to make us work :).

Great question!

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answers from Cleveland on

I'm proud of being able to be a single mother, a WAHM, and a SAHM at the same time.

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answers from Albany on

Sigh, sorry, I got nothin'. Besides my kids.


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answers from Chicago on

All my life my mother was drug & alcohol addicted (she died 13 yrs ago) I was a mother at 17. Worked & saved enough money (yes on minimum wage, it can be done) to build my very own home at 22 (all on my own).

Now my daughter is 21 & in her senior year of college, I am so proud :)

I have positioned myself around wonderful Christian friends. And have a wonderful Christian Husband.

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answers from Tampa on

For finishing my Master's degree and developing a career that provides well for my family...

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answers from San Antonio on

Most recently I've been really proud of my baking. I've had a ton of people lately tell me I'm the best baker in town and have asked me to give them my card or flyers so they can give them out to friends. Yesterday I made a three layer cake (three separate flavors), covered it in fondant, and picked a rose from my rose bushes and used it as a cake topper. The birthday girl loved it!! (I say girl, she turned 30...something :P) It had scroll work on the middle layer and sugar pearls around each layer. It was pink and black.

Tomorrow I have a cake for a welcome back party. I'm excited about that one!

I was talking to hubby the other day about how I'm my own worse critic...but I had been baking all day and when I crawled into bed that night I said something to myself that I had never said. I'm an awesome baker...and I really meant it. I was proud of myself.

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answers from Sioux City on

I am so proud of my husband! What an awesome man! He works full time as a police officer and then helps out with his Dad's farm. We have 6 kids together, four of them living. Together we have had many tears and joys. Each day I fall more deeply in love with him! I know without a shadow of a doubt that God had him in mind for me.

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answers from Houston on

Wow, I had to think about this question a lot! I mean the pride I feel for my kids so far exceeds anything else it was hard to even put anything else in the same thought process ;) A few things I am super proud of are being a great wife to my husband, bc that is a choice and I work at it!! I love knowing he feels he has the cream of the crop ;) I am also a great friend and I make people laugh pretty easily :D

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answers from Washington DC on

I am proud of my kids....I know that's not what you want to hear...but Greg achieved his Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do - I was and AM VERY proud of him for that...

As for me? It's been a long time - and it's a tad weird - but I divorced my ex-husband while living in Germany and managed to live on my own in Germany for over a year, on the local economy and not in base housing.

I've been focused on things other than me - so like you - I need to set a new goal!

This is a really good question!! thanks for asking it.

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answers from Seattle on

I graduated high school when I was 16. I earned my Associates of Arts when I was barely 18. I have been self sufficient since I was 16. In the last 2 years I have lost 90lbs.

I have to say though at 23...I thought I'd be out traveling the world, finishing up my BA. Right now I guess I am just proud to be a wife and a step mother.

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answers from Seattle on

Most Proud of....hum......

Plain and simple....Beating my demons.

Superficial....how darn cute my house looks when it is clean. It is one of those house's that has lots to look at.....My walls are COVERED in my art work(I have a very patient husband and house mate that let me do this ;p)....My yard is full of raked leaves....That my kids jump in....We have a picket fence of cobweb up around the perimeter of the yard, Thanks to my awesome Neighbors...and it looks to me like one of those ''Quaint'' little houses:)

Out of life....Never thought I would have children. I was a VERY self absorbed jerk as a teen/young adult. When I found out we were expecting(only a month after getting married)...I was flipping terrified.

To look and see now, what an amazing mom I am....Freaking rocks. The last year I have had to figure out how to make being a mom WORK with certain things.....I have become free...which has allowed me the most fun with my kids....Not caring about messes. Or caring how ridiculous I look.

This is an achievement because a year ago....That was not the kind of person I was. I was still living for me.....I still was the number one person I cared about. I know now that their is more to life then ''ME''. I know now that I have to be here not only for myself but for my family. My friends. Those who did not give up on me.

I am proud I have gotten to experience that ONE thing that alot of people never go through. For this, I breathe the air deeper....Laugh, as hard as I want, for as Long ,as I want. I love everyone and I try and tell them as often as I can. And I say everything That is on my mind. Because before I go, I want everyone to know the freedom I know. I want people to live out side themselves. It would not be right to keep all of what is in me bottled up...that is what makes people go crazy....We were meant to be free.

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answers from Chicago on

I teach and am really good at it. (I get to be proud of all of your kids!). I'm proud that I found my calling and feel satisfied and fulfilled nearly everyday from knowing I am doing the work I was meant to do.

I just finished my second masters and rocked my capstone.

I dealt with some inner demons and that led me to find, trust, and love myself. I also kept uber high standards for my mate and married the most wonderful man on the planet.

Great question!

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