
Updated on October 18, 2011
L.C. asks from Dover, DE
6 answers

To all of you who answered my last question.....I flowered you all!! And Rachel got a bunch of flowers (I think it was her) for having the next family gathering on the set of Jerry Springer. I appreciate all of your suggestions to drink heavily. It's mostly a dry house, but you know vodka looks a lot like water.

Thanks for all the imput!

Do they ever tell you why they pulled your question?

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So What Happened?

I haven't gotten an email. It was just pulled. Maybe it was a mistake.

More Answers



answers from Boston on

I didn't see your question so I don't know why it got pulled but I do know this, if it was someone that reported you, they really need to get off their high horse...just sayin'. To me this site it so vent and get feedback about anything and everything and if you feel comfortable enough to post your personal family info (just assuming this is it judging from someone else's post here) then that is your prerogative! If someone doesn't like it, DON'T READ IT!! :)

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answers from Kansas City on

Not in specifics. I usually get an email that states my question (or answer) doesn't fall within Mamapedia guidelines and that is it. I have written to customer service and asked directly why it was pulled. Sometimes it is a mistake.



answers from Fargo on

I was in the process of reading it when it got pulled. They should e-mail you as to why, but I have no idea why your question got pulled!!!
Everyone should copy and paste their questions in case posts get pulled by accident. It's a pain, but I feel bad for those of you who take precious time to write a post, only to have it pulled!



answers from Pittsburgh on

You can use the "contact" link and ask...

Personally, I didn't see anything offensive..did a response go too far, I wonder?

It may have been pulled by mistake, and then you can repost.


answers from Richmond on

LOL yeah it was me ;)

I bet they'd let you repost that question if you ask them, that's a serious, very real situation you're dealing with!

They send you an email (to whichever email address you signed up with, usually your login) and tell you... you can write back and ask if you can repost.

I went through a time when someone was intentionally reporting everything and anything I posted, and they always let me repost!! :)


answers from Houston on

They always tell you why it got pulled.........with a nice little letter, lol.

I didnt read the question before it got pulled but i can say that my family has its share of issues,,,,,,,,,mostly with just one person. If you cant just "not invite them" you can always "ignore ignore ignore"

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