This is just an observation of what worked for my family! It is just that... But my daughter pushes the limits further and further the more I give. When I noticed myself going from reading a book to staying in her room for the extra five minutes to her asking for me to stay until she falls asleep, to me laying down and actually falling asleep in her bed sometimes; At tthe same time I noticed a pattern with my daughter's requests going from asking for one extra book, to just stay one minute, to please mom don't leave me alone. It seems the more I did or the more I helped the less independant she became and the more clingy and more likely to whine and cry over smaller and smaller things. If I give her responsiblities she handles them well and cries much less. For example, she puts on her own shoes so she can't ever cry that I am doing it wrong and I just help tie them (she starts to pick the velcro more and more cause she doesn't want my help). And she has to clean her own room so she has things where she wants them and I prompt her for what will make her feel safest and cozy when she is in bed (within reason-- I have to be able to vaccuum so everything is off the floors). I think it really is part of being that age.