I would say no...
Personally I think of the terms "terrible twos" as being an excuse for kids to behave badly. :-) None of my kids had what most would call the "terrible twos"... But then again... I tend to be proactive.
Some of this may apply... Some may not... Its sorta rambling... Take what you want and ignore the rest...
Lets use your example of your girly going back to doing wrong 4 times. Did you wait for her to do it again BEFORE going over and putting yourself in the situation? I would have moved my chair to be right beside what she was heading for and sat there as a visual deterent. You warned her once... then put her in time out. After that there is no warning. Its straight to time out. (I never get to 3... If one warning is not enough I am moving to correct the issue BEFORE 2...)
Everyone gets to the point of being at wits end... Especially with a toddler! You are not alone in this. But consistancy is a MUST. She should not be telling you no. As I tell my toddlers (kneel down and get eye to eye with them) then tell them that is not how to talk to mommy! If you start that young, they will get it when they are older.
Don't expect any ones answers to fix things all of a sudden.
Only YOU know your girlys personality.
She obviously has respect at a young age of your father. He probibly let her know what is and is not acceptable when he is around. Doing this is not just a verbal thing. Its a physical thing also. If she is playing with something she's not supposed to you MUST TAKE IT AWAY... Even if its keeping her quiet for a few minutes... Its not allowed. period...
There are times to be flexible. But when you are talking about laying the foundation of respect and rules in a toddler there is very little space for flexibility...
When she's in the time out chair your ears should be turned off... No talking to her... she should not talk to you... Ignore her. (of course use your mommy senses to make sure she's not gonna hurt herself, but make her think you can't hear her when she's in the chair.)
If she knows she's not supposed to be touching something because you have warned her 1500 times I would do away with the warning. Act immediately. You see it, walk over and take it away from her tell her firmly not to touch... or it will be the time out chair. Then if she touches again... No warning... Walk over... Take her to the chair. The only thing you need to say is "you know not to touch that... Time out" then your ears go off.
At 2 she does remember things. So the whole she's a kid with a short memory does not apply. Especially in cases that you tell her 30 times a day the same thing...
Maybe ask your dad what he does in those cases... But then again... kids tend to listen to men more than women... Its the deep scary voice that sorta snaps them back into shape...
Just remember... I don't know your girly or her personality... Everyone responds to different styles of punishment differently. If timeouts in a chair are not working perhaps turn the chair around so that it is looking at a wall... Or move it to a different room than you are in... As she gets older perhaps turn it into standing in a corner... Whatever works for HER personality...