Hello, Well I decided to reply because my husband and I tried both times for boys and got 2 boys! We followed every bit of advice we came accross and it worked! (or it was a total coincidence?? We can never be sure!)Anyway, from what I remember, the boy sperms swim faster AND die off faster so if you want a boy you want to have sex as close to ovulation as possible. You also want deep penetration (from behind is recommended) so that the boy sperms have a chance to be as close to the egg as possible and swim in there real fast before they die off. If you want a girl the opposite. Sex a day or so before ovulation so the boy sperms all die off before the egg is even around and the girls sperms then move in. I remember reading that it is easier to try for a boy than a girl just because it is harder to time it just right for a girl. The book I read (sorry I can't remember the title) gave excellent advice on how to tell when you were going to ovulate based on your (sorry, gross) discharge. I never noticed it before that time, but it changes in consistency, appearance and amount throughout your cycle. I was easily able to tell when I would ovulate based on that alone. I don't remember exactly what to look out for but I'm sure you could research that subject on the net nowadays. Good luck! :-)Janet