Yep - normal. As long as he's eating and peeing, etc., sounds right. I'd want to sleep to after being through all the stuff he's been through coming into the world LOL :)
Is it possible for a newborn to sleep too much? Or do they need all the sleep they can get? In other words, do newborns spend any time awake when they are not eating? Or are they only awake while eating? Our newborn is 1 week old, and only seems to be awake to eat, and then instantly goes right back to sleep. Just wanting to make sure this is normal at this point? Also, he was born at 37 weeks, so I guess if he was still in the womb he would be doing the same thing?
More Info: Yes, I'm breastfeeding him, on average every 2 hrs, sometimes every 3 hrs, sometimes every 4 hours, and sometimes every hour. Basically whenever he is hungry. He is gaining weight wonderfully, and is currently 7 lbs 7 oz. There are moments when he is actually awake and not eating, but not for long!
Thanks for your advice!
Yep - normal. As long as he's eating and peeing, etc., sounds right. I'd want to sleep to after being through all the stuff he's been through coming into the world LOL :)
While the tempting answer is no....
If your baby, for example, is only awake 1 or 2 hours a day? Doctor time.
Only 3-4? Less concerning, but still warrants a doctor.
Newborns usually need sleep 15-17 hours a day. Then that gradually lessens to 12-16 as they get older.
Toddlers usually need 12-14.
Elementary 10-12. (most elementary kids aren't getting enough sleep)
Not until AFTER puberty does it switch to 6-10.
(Puberty sleep is wacky, sometimes 12-16, sometimes 4... It's crazy hormones).
And then again post menopause (using 'elderly' LOOSELY... Elderly people usually need 4-6)
Sleeping too much (20+ for newborns) is as concerning / POSSIBLY indicative of a problem (from 'a cold' aka not a serious problem, to very serious medical conditions, as sleeping too little (less than 10... Which ranges from mild, like reflux or ear infection or colic, to serious medical conditions). So both rate a doctor visit.
If its TEMPORARY (like a day or two), it's usually nothing. A bit of a growth spurt, or fighting off a bug. Happens a lot, no worries, keep an eye on. As their normal sleep, that's very abnormal / indicative of problems, and even a couple days rates a call.
IF ONLY awake while nursing...
Eating every 2 hours (avg) if nursing takes half an hour, is still "awake" 6 hours a day and is VERY normal. It SEEMS like they're asleep for ever, but really are awake a decent period of time.
Eating every 2 hours (avg) if nursing takes 5-10 minutes, is only about 1-2 hours. And rates that doctor visit.
They typically sleep approx 16-17 hours a day... so yes, pretty much just wake up to poop and eat! Often times, it's even hard to wake them to eat a full 'meal', a good way to keep them awake while nursing is to undress them. Get plenty of rest and enjoy this time, b/c they become active before you know it! Now, if he isn't eating much, peeing much, pooping much, gaining weight, seems weak or discolored, and isn't becoming more social over the coming weeks... then take him to the Dr.
This can give you a good idea on baby's sleeping and wakefulness during this time and what to expect in the coming months:
How does he look? How is his coloring. Are you BF?
How is that going?
The only reason I ask is that our daughter was born at 37 weeks and became weaker and weaker. I kept telling everyone she did not look well, her coloring did not look right, but no one would listen, my MIL kept telling my husband I was over reacting. . I finally grabbed the keys to just go to the doctor and my husband agreed to take us.
Took her to the doctor and she was jaundice.
So That is when I learned to follow my mommy heart and brain and screw everyone else.
My DD seemed like she did nothing but eat, sleep, and poo when she was that young. I used to get worried, because she was barely able to stay awake even while nursing, but the pediatrician told me she was normal.
:) If you are worried, you should be having a checkup soon, and can ask the pediatrician to be sure.
My routine with my daughter was ever 2 hours on the nose she would wake up, feed in one side for 20 mins, I would then changed her and set her on the other breast for another 20 mins. The she would be out for the next 2 hours. This was our days and nights for about 6 months around then she started noticing there were things going one around her that were more interesting than mommy's boob.
As long as he is eating sufficiently and gaining weight, then no, I don't think there is any issue with them sleeping "too much". LOL
If they "sleep too much" to the point that it interferes with them eating and gaining weight, then that is different. But, gaining weight and having wet diapers? Let him sleep. :)
My son was just like that.
He was fine.
I breastfed, on-demand, and he fed every hour or 2. He had a ginormous appetite, fed well, and slept well.
And grew like a weed.
And yes, babies will often feed every.single.hour. This is called "cluster feeding" and it is very normal.
Both my kids were born early... my daughter 1 week early and my son at 38 weeks. Both over 8 pounds and 21" long at birth.
Newborns sleep.
Some do not... as in my daughter... .but she had bad gas... and rarely farted or burped no matter what I tried, and it woke her.
Not as long as they are having plenty of wet/poopy diapers in a 24 hour period.
My 37 weeker was sleepy & jaundiced & not gaining well. She would latch on & fall asleep. We had to make sure she was eating long enough and frequently enough.
Awe, congratulations Scarlet, I didn't know you had your bub already!
That sounds just like my daughter. Eat, poop, sleep, eat, poop, sleep, eat, poop, sleep...and so on and so forth.
Best wishes!
I asked my doctor this very question. My son slept SOO much the first 2 months. He said as long as the baby is healthy and does not appear sickly, has plenty of wet and dirty diapers, is alert during waking hours, and gaining weight...let them sleep as long as they want!!
Yup, sounds about right. They start to stay awake more once they reach the 2 month mark. All it seems newborns do is eat, sleep, and poop. So, nothing to worry about, they just need a lot of sleep. Sounds like he is a healthy newborn. :)
Yes, there are diseases and disorders that can cause a baby to sleep too much, but in those cases I believe that the baby sleeps rather than eating. I think that as long as your baby is nursing well, gaining weight, and making plenty of wet and messy diapers he is OK. If you have concerns, even just a bad feeling about something, tell you doctor, mom's intuition is valuable and shouldn’t be ignored.
This is normal. Congrats on your new baby!
Yes, I do believe newborns can sleep too much. In fact, they shouldn't go more than 2 hours without eating. I wake my newborns from day 1, every 2 hours, to feed them during the day. if they want to go 4 hours at night, great, but during the day, I wake them, put cold clothes on their head to get them to eat, etc.
If they sleep too much, they don't eat enough, and if they don't' eat enough, they sleep too much because they have no energy. It's a thin line you need to watch. If your baby is gaining weight, then don't worry about it. They do sleep a lot.